Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hectic Hectic life

Life has been cray just has, especially this week. It was an emotional rollercoaster but as far I know rollercoasters are fun right?

Tuesday Josh told me he liked me
Wedesday told me he couldn't date me because he is friends with Ethan and my good friend in Edmonton died on the same day. It was horrible. I found out on the bus to work I was bawling and was just a mess..lets just call it that a big fat mess..
Later on Mikaela came over to help make me feel better, since everything was closed we just tried to follow cars around..haha it was not the best of plans but it was fun.
Friday-went on a date and the guy is psycho. He would not stop texting me it was cray..he still hasn't stopped. Why can't I find a normal guy? Why oh why? 

Lastly Last night I hung out with Mikaela and her friend Morgan. She loved me like I knew she would haha she called me oreo, white on the outside black on the inside haha. Anyways we cruised around and we went to the Timmy's on 43rd since it is open 24 hours and we witnessed the big bang theory in action. There were three nerds there playing on their DS's and were so serious about it. It was hilarious, earlier that night too we went to the south side walmart and I bought some pants and tupperware nothing that exciting. Then we went to five guys and it was awesome, and to the bulk barn. It was exciting especially since I can't get down to the south side that easily. 

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