Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Breaking dawn...

A few nights ago my co-worker/friend Mikaela asked me to go to a movie with her. She decided that she wanted to go to Breaking Dawn. Ha ha I thought what a lame movie but that civilization was actually asking me to hang out. So I thought why not... I haven't hung out with people in awhile.

Best decision I have ever made.

I met her two friends as well they are both named Christian (maybe have different spellings haha I have no idea) but anyways I love them both. They are all hilarious..which I think I needed haha. 

Anyways Breaking Dawn is hilarious haha. I couldn't stop laughing throughout the whole thing because was pretty idiotic (sorry twilight fans). I have not seen any of the movies since the first one so seeing the last one was funny because I had no idea what was going on.

Highlights of the movie...SPOILER ALERT:

Jacob stripping infront of Bella's dad...haha he said that he had to admit something and its like wow his dad must be thinking that he is admiting that he is least I would.

Laughing and making fun of the movie all throughout haha because that is what I do when I am bored of a movie. 

Watching the battle scene and noting that they were decapitating each other's heads like popping off barbie doll heads..seriously..most funny thing you have seen yo. You have no idea haha, so if a vampire came my way..I will know that my training as a child has worked haha. 

End of battle scene...when it is just a vision of the future instead of the real thing and Christian (male) yelling out WHAT?!?!? when it happened. I laughed so effing hard..I was was ridiculous. 

Highlights after the movie:

Going to starbucks and then realizing that as Canadians we are crazy if we go to starbucks..because it is the place for rich idiots to go so we went to Timmy Hortons. Coffee for the starving students! 

We all pretty much got ice caps mmm yum yum! 

After we went to Walmart and played hide and seek. We found Mikki and girl Christian in housewares. Then they found us when I had to go pee. Otherwise they wouldn't have found us. We were hiding behind the strollers at work haha. 

All in all = best night ever..literally. 

I have never laughed as hard. Ever. hopefully we will all hang out sometime soon..well we have to! 

Anyways till another night of excitement!

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