Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Windy days, terrors, and hello kitty!

Today was a weird day full of terrors, and fears. I had to go to the dentist and was horrified to go because my permanent retainer, the wire became loose and my teeth shifted. I thought oh crap...he is going to murder me..but luckily enough he didn't say anything about it. So big sigh of relief! 

Then off to Claire's for some hello kitty gear, skull crap and a rudolf the red nosed reindeer hat for winter! All for 10 buckeroos! 

Later on I went to go meet up with my mom to go for dinner. We had pitas and mine was huge as anything. Seriously. I asked for everything except for alfafa sprouts. It was massive it was the thickness of my arm! But so good! 

Then we walked around the mall in places such as Winners, and this store by pita pit called Mystique. It had cool stuff..but you have got to be richer than rich to buy their crap. 

Then after we chilled at the hospital until we went to go meet the Bishop of my YSA ward. 
There was this funny drawing in the bathroom at the hospital though. Then we were looking at pictures in the cafeteria. Mom looked at this one picture and commented that it looked like my dot tracing game on my phone..which it does. 

P.S. we also went into michaels..funniest thing. So mom saw these candles and she asked me are those onions or beets on the can? Haha I just thought wow, why would they have an onion scented candle? haha it must have been made for my grandmother that does not stop putting onions in everything. Haha

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