Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Don't you just love weeks of excitement?

Holy smokers..this week has been crazy busy. I lost friendships, saw family that I haven't seen in years, realized true friendships and got a surprise by my man. How exciting of a week is that?


First to begin with, last Wednesday I got the biggest surprise by my boyfriend. He was calling me..from what I thought was work..and he just said "Hey baby, I will be home in 10 minutes." Of course I didn't believe him and was sad that he had tricked me but then he said "go look outside" and I nearly started crying out of excitement to see him. I was especially happy to see him because this turn around has been the hardest. I didn't cry when he left but when he was away I was really sad. I was used to having him around so when he was gone it was hard. But it was such a nice surprise. 

Seeing old family.

So my Uncle Normal came to town with his wife Gemini, and my Aunt Joy. It was nice to see them, we went to dinner at Tony Roma's and he let me drive his car (grandma even said I was a good driver...she was really nervous). But it was fun, he finally told me why he called me Little bean as a child, and told me stuff about when my parents were still married and before I was born. It was cool to listen to it. Also they loved Jesse, but since he does work up north they had something to talk about so it was good. 

Realizing true friends.

This week I have come to realize my true friends as well. I have lost my friendship with Mikaela due to her immaturity, I had allowed her to stay at my house so she could find a job in Lethbridge, she took advantage of that so we kicked her out. But after that, and all the dramatic bullshit that she put me through afterwards. I realized who my true friends are, and I hung out with a few of them. 

I hung out with Christina and Britney one night. It was nice to have a girls night while Jesse played his games. It was nice to talk about our lives and our dreams for the future. It was nice to pig out all together like we used to, and talk about how school used to be. Things back then seemed so simple..now not so much. But it was good.

Lastly, Medicine Hat. 

and last but not least, Jesse and I went to Medicine hat so that he could go to the skate park. It was cute because they had a skate school for kids, bike school etc. That you can learn how to do all those things at the skate park. But watching Jesse he didn't really show off until one of his buds came. The bud that came was sponsored along with Jesse, so it was nice to watch them ride together. All in all it just was really cool to watch.

And that was my week. I thought it was a pretty exciting week, a dramatic one/good one/ relaxing one and the weather was insanely gorgeous so it helped as well. 

But thats it for now. Hopefully I will update more instead of putting these long entries. 

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