Friday, May 17, 2013

Nothin like the good old rain

Jesse and I went on a walk today in the rain, first down by the river and by henderson. It was so relaxing going for a walk in the rain since not a lot of people were out because it was raining, so it was peaceful. It was quiet, and it was just what we needed after he worked all day and I did school all day. It was nice to feel like we got away from the city down the river and avoid the city life. It was nice we talked about our ideal places to be, and his is in the bush away from everything it relaxes him a lot. Mine would be the same I love just taking a good walk without having to deal with traffic or with people. It always clears my mind. 

But that was our night having a nice walk out in nature in the rain, and of course we splashed each other a little bit too ha ha. 

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