Saturday, June 22, 2013

Flood worse than matter what people say..means work

This week has been tragic. All of southern alberta is pretty much flooded, luckily our house did not get flooded. But basically our camp ground down by the river is now just..river. But we were lucky to not get a lot of flooding in Lethbridge, only people's basements got flooded. 

We first saw the beginning of the flood in Waterton, it started crazily raining. It rained so hard that Jesse had to pull over to the side of the road and wait for it to calm down, and hardly anything makes him pull over to wait for conditions to be better. But in waterton we did have fun, we went for lunch, we went  to get ice cream, and we bought some candy. We went to red rock canyon where we saw a rock slide.

Red Rock Canyon, Waterton

Flooding here is not near as bad as other places. High River got massacred, they are completely under water, the flash flood that happened there is horrible. There is so much damage it is crazy. They even had to evacuate the hospital there because of how bad the flooding was. They sent the military in as well to go and rescue people. It is just tragic. 

Calgary also got flooded in as well. Downtown Calgary is all under water, the zoo got evacuated, which means that the animals got put into the jail so that they will be safe. The trans Canada highway also got shut down because the flood washed away some of the roads. Cray Cray I know.

TransCanada Highway

High River

High river 

But with floods comes work. Jesse and I got a temp. job doing demolitions, like tearing up carpet and wet dry wall, removing wet insulation, etc. But it is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, and the amount of damage some of these people's houses have is takings thousand's of dollars of damage. But I guess some other people's basements are completely flooded out and such. But we got money out of it.

Which brings me to another topic. I quit starbucks and I got hired at KFC. I know I move around jobs a lot but starbucks was barely breaking my bills...and I hardly have not a great job.

But anyways I think that is about it.

I hope that everyone in southern alberta stays safe and that they still have a home.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Friends & Boyfriends & cats..OH MY!

This week has been quite uneventful...except for my friend's boyfriend being in town. I was so excited that I finally got to meet the guy that she was blushing about! He is very nice..I like him..he is a really good guy for her, and it nice because Jesse likes him too. We decided to go down to the river bottom and have a walk after I had finished work. It was cute to see my friend so happy, because in her last relationship she has struggled so bad. Well..I became friends with her after her break up with her ex, so it sucked seeing her so sad. He was very funny as well, he just seems like an overall good guy. Especially if Jesse likes him as well, Jesse does not like a majority of my friends or their boyfriends so its nice that he accepts him as well. 

Also I should mention..we got a new kitten. YES we did! He is so cute, his name is lightning, and he is grey with a patch of orange on his forehead. It is so cute because he chases Charly around, and loves to play in the kitty litter. As well as, his back legs go faster than his front so he trips over his hind legs a lot (I think that is really cute and funny). It was really cute to see Jesse love him so much too, he hates him but loves him at the same time. He is just very active and happy. Love him so much. 

and I think is about it. But overall it has been a good week thus far, not too stressed, body is feeling better from having the IUD out so life is good right now.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

A busy week! + Weightloss blog #2

This week I feel has come and gone. I may be doing my blog post early...but I do not know how much time I will have tomorrow, so it has to be now. 

Anyways, so to update on the weightless, I have been doing the beginners blogilates, just go to and download the beginner calendar. Basically what blogilates is, is a youtube fitness guru having small workouts. The "month" plan is based on these exercises with at least 4 videos for a complete workout, but I have to start on beginner since it is hard but my body is getting used to it. Eating wise...I can not lie I could do better. But I am 213 now instead of 213.6 so yay! 

As for the rest of the week. Jesse and I FINALLY found where you go bridge jumping in the city, without having an undercurrent or being too shallow. We tried this one bridge but when I walked across it, the undercurrent was so strong I nearly got swept away. Now...I do not know if bridge jumping is legal but I love it, and I am so happy that we finally found the bridge. Mom came along with us as well and was our little paparazzi...ever since Jesse gave mom a camera for her birthday she hasn't stopped taking pictures (which is cute). 

Then I had drinks with Bennett. She had bought a TON of liquor and I only had like a shot amount. But man did it get me tipsy, said some things that I regret that night but it was fun to hang out with her, and talk to her. I guess that I speak my mind more when I am is good to know. 

But I think that was just about it for the week....So stay tuned until next time! 

P.S. we gave Charly a did he disagree with that but now he is so soft

Monday, June 3, 2013

New series: weightloss blog #1

So I have decided I need something to encourage me to lose weight, and writing about it, my feelings, etc. Might help me out. This morning when I went to go weigh myself on the scale I was the heaviest I have ever been in my life, and I had lost weight before. Even though I did lose a significant amount of weight before, I feel like it was all for nothing. Now that I am trying to lose weight again I am trying to figure out how I made it work before, it is so hard to lose the weight. 

I mainly wanted to lose the weight so I could get a breast reduction, but it is hard to have people around you not supporting you. It is hard when people in your life just buy crap, it is like bringing around cocaine to a rehab centre. It is just hard to not cave in and the result just makes me feel more like a failure rather than making me feel better. So I guess I am admitting that now I am a food addict, food shouldn't be the only thing to make you feel better at all. 

So that is why I am starting this new series. I will blog every monday to see how the week has been going. Writing down the goals for the week and trying to get feedback to myself to see if I accomplished them. 

The weight that I am now is 213.6 lbs, and I have attached photos as well. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Spontaneous Trips

Yesterday was a really fun day. I was getting really sick of have no idea how badly I just want to pack up and leave here..but anyways I was sick of it. I was sick of the people in Lethbridge and how much they can be idiots. That I just wanted to get away for even just a day so I had asked Jesse if we could go see Darla in Okotoks (his step mom). If anyone knows Darla, they know how she is such a good lady, I could never see her hurting anybody, she always has something nice to say about everybody. 

So we went to go see her, and had a nice dinner with her. Then we went to go see my Uncle. Jesse finally got to meet my cousin Zack and Jesse let him drive his car. It is nice hearing my Uncle and Jesse talk because then I hear things about my parents marriage and about when my Uncle was younger. I never knew that my Uncle had owned a ford mustang when he was first marriage to my Aunt Linda so it was nice to hear. 

I really enjoyed seeing my family and Jesse's family. It is nice to have them both so close, it was nice to get away for the weekend to take a break. I cannot wait to go see them again sometime soon <3.