Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Days off, first vehicle and mom days.

So on days off...Jesse and I got our first car. Well it will be a starter car for me and to drive it around, learn how to drive it etc. I am in love with him (it is a boy since he is gutless). He has so much room in him, all the seats fold down and it just has so much space. We only got it for $500 and the only thing that was really wrong with it was that the battery on it was dead. But otherwise he runs smoothly, he has new tires on him and the rims are nice. Today I just cleaned him out so now he looks nice inside as well.

97 gmc jimmy

pumping gas in my car for the first time

 Also on days off we of course did our relaxing rituals like going out to dinner and going to movies. Jesse and I went to montanas and up above is the art that I created there. I had surf n turf tacos, which were really yummy...minus the cilantro..just do not like that at all. It was very good. 

The movie that Jesse and I went to go see was R.I.P.D. It was very funny, I enjoyed it a lot and Jesse did as well. I liked the concept of the movie and all in all it was good there were some twists and turns and it was good.
 Lastly, mom and I went to The heat last night since it was the cheap night, and I have to say. It is the funniest movie I think I have ever saw. It was so funny. Point blank, I nearly pee'd laughing. It made us cry and the whole audience loved it. I did not think it was possible for no one to laugh in the movie. I would definitely buy it or see it was just so funny. The character of Melissa McCarthy also reminded me of Jesse, same humor, same reactions to things. It was great.

Finishing chemistry and forgetting purposes

Today after I write my final for chemistry i am officially finished the course...yay! After the long months and gruelling work I will be done, it is a bit surreal because it was one of those things where I never thought I could finish. But I finally will be and then all I have left is college, and I am so excited to finally just be out of high school for good. 

After the test I found out that I got a final mark of 74% which is a lot better than what I thought it would be. It just felt like such a relief to have it done, it is relieving to know that all I need to worry about now is colege. I am so excited for college and to start it. I cannot wait to finish my college course too, but I have a feeling it will be weird to be finished college, because that's it. The 13 years + that you go to school and finally it is all over and no need to worry about education anymore. All you need to worry about is the rest of your life. 

Which brings to me another thing. For the past weeks I have forgotten the purposes of things. Because it is so easy for me to forget why I want to lose weight. I want to lose the weight to feel healthy, but the main reason was to get a breast reduction. 

I am 5 foot tall and have double d's. It is a ton for my back to manage. I just need to get this surgery so that my back problems will disappear and get better. Everyone that I have talked to that had the surgery says that instantly after the surgery it feels like a magic formula to no back problems. 

So I need to constantly have this running through my mind to remind myself to just "not care" about myself and to take care of my body

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Crazed storms

So I guess that I should do a post about all the crazy storms that let's bridge has been having. 

In the last few weeks we had major storms that included warnings of severe thunderstorms to tornados, and including hail. It just simply has been crazy. 

One night at work it hailed and it just shot through the drive thru window, it bruised my arm a bit and the mess afterwards was huge. But with all these hail storms also comes hail damage. All the dealerships along mayor McGrath have been having sales on all vehicles due to hail damage, as well as, hail damage estimate booths. 

Most recent hail storm was today and I guess the south side took the hit the worst. I guess superstore lost power, there are trees in the streets and there was lots of flooding and a few funnel clouds. I guess people Are not hurt from it. 

Anyways I borrowed some pictures from friends to show the damage. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Plans for the future

I thought I would just write this blog to update people on what I plan to do in the future. 

First off in the fall I plan to do the CSP course (Central Sterlizing processing), What that program is, is a year course to sterilize instruments at the hospital. It is cheap schooling compared to other programs because it is so short. As well as, I thought that the program would be good because then I can get into the health care system, and find out what I really want to do. 

While in school it was just a battle between nursing and being a lab technician, and while having this career I can have the ability to job shadow in both. As well as, I have many friends that have taken the course and they love it. They get good paying jobs without "wasting" most of their time in class. They just wanted to have careers and not do a lot of schooling, through this program you are able to do that. 

Lastly, Jesse and I plan to move to the Edmonton area, hopefully after I am done my program. That way he and I both will have good paying jobs and be able to support ourselves. Currently, we are just living at my mom's. It is tight, it is compact and we have our miscommunication between each one of us. However, this in no means mean that I hate my mom, its just time for me to move out. I am about 20 years old and never had my own place. At my age my sister had moved all over, so by my age she was used to it. 

But I just thought I would just do a quick update about the things that I want to have happen in my life. 
Until next time...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Days off: Calgary, go karting, movies

Jesse had days off..and I did too. I was off for quite awhile so I was happy to have him home. Anyways on our days off we went to go see a movie, we went go karting, we went to pick my mother up in Calgary and we relaxed.

The movie that we went to go see was Pacific Rim. It was an awesome movie, I loved all the special effects that they had in it. Also the storyline was different from a lot of movies I have seen before. I thought it was interesting that the aliens came from a portal in the pacific ocean. Also I thought it was interesting how they used mind connections to control the robots that they created. It was just an awesome movie, but with some of the action scenes it was so zoomed in that it was hard to see some of the fights. But it was a great movie. I would buy it on DVD.

While in Calgary, it was very stressful because Jesse got a new deck in his car that has a built in gps, and the lady on the gps was dumb. We went around in circles, it was very frustrating to follow. It took us about 20 minutes longer to find our destinations, but we picked up mom and got home safely using the iphone's GPS. 

I also got my second holes in my ears pierced at Claire's. It barely hurt at all, it just stung a little bit afterwards. But it was fine, it was cheap and I like them a lot. 

Lastly, Jesse and I went go Karting. I have to admit with some of the moves that I did we could have gotten kicked out. I kept on cutting off Jesse, and I ran into the wall a few times. But this one corner that we took was so sharp it hurt our sides when we were finished. But once in awhile I passed Jesse so I was happy, even though I did it really unfair. But it was fun. 

Also this week, there was the streetwheelers in town so it was a loud weekend with lots of police. It was funny because this one cop came up from beside us and all we heard was "You wanna race?" and then we looked over and saw it was the cop. It scared us so bad and when the light turned green he punched it and we kept the speed limit. I yelled out the window "nice try..we never speed." Haha which is such bull. But since it was a cop, we did not want to race them. But it was a good weekend.