Friday, January 31, 2014

Last week of freedom?

This has been my official last day of freedom before going off into my practicum on Monday. Today I went to meet my program leader at the hospital to:
1. Get a locker
2. Get my ID
3. Find out where the heck the department was haha
BONUS: I got to meet the manager of the department, Cecilia Martinell's daughter Jody and found out the name of the lady I would be with on Monday for my first week in decontamination. 

I also was able to table home the masks that they wear in decontamination so that I would get used to it before actually getting them. I guess that sometimes they can get intimidated by the masks since they are nervous and the masks can make people not breathe properly since they are not used to it. 

I also was able to do all my errands that I will probably not get to do while I am away at my practicum like go to the bank, get some groceries and pick up some things at my grandma's. 
I hung out with my sister as well, and I tried to teach her and Jesse how to crochet. My sister did ok at crocheting, it is just about learning how to properly hold the yarn and such. Jesse did not find success, he made the tightest chains I have ever seen anyone make and he is pretty much pro at making super tight chains now. 
 Today was also Jesse's 24th birthday. I got him a kiss (the band) cup, a $10 dollar gift card to tim hortion's, some bacon, some creamer for coffee and a bag of chips. Mom got him this wrench pen (it really does look like a wrench), and some steaks which we had for supper tonight. They were so good, he cooked them, although they were not medium rare like he wanted they still were really juicy and they were good steaks too. 

Later on tonight we went to go see the movie 47 ronin since we had a gift card for the movie mill that my grandmother had given us for a birthday present.  It was a very good movie, very entertaining I definitely recommend people go and see it. It was just plainly good. 

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