Sunday, April 27, 2014

Graduation Day!

Today was the day that I had my convocation for graduating my Central Sterile Processing Certificate. It was horrible because I really thought that I was going to be late this morning because I was going to get Jesse up at 9 to get there for 9:30 when we should have left the house at 8:45 to get there to get my bib, get lined up and have my card for the announcer to say. It was frustrating because I first went to the wrong building it was like 9:22 when this happened, I had no idea where to go because there were so many students everywhere in their gowns. I even started crying I got so frustrated but luckily I went to someone to figure out where to go I got my bib I got into the lineup and then right after they marched us out. 

When they marched us out they had a person with bagpipes and there were so many people standing up to congratulate us when walking into the gym. My program was first so we got to sit in the front row. They had a few speakers say things, had a award for an honorary degree and then they took us out again to be lined up for the announcing of the graduates. I was second to graduate from the college for the year. There were only three of us in our program so our program went by fast. The harder part was waiting for everyone else. Another girl in my program had the same idea that I did, we get our crap from the teacher and go but we had to wait for everyone else. 

The largest groups of graduates that there were was the nursing program and criminal justice (policing). There was probably 100 or more policing students. So those two groups were the most painful to go through since they are the most popular programs. After all the graduates were announced they officially announced us as the class of 2014. Then they led us out of the gym and then we followed a huge line of family, friends, and staff that clapped for us as we walked out. It was very emotional I felt like crying because having so many people clap for the accomplishment that you did was very fulfilling. 

It was nice too because Jesse was there, grandma was there and mom was there. Mom volunteered to in the morning to make sure she saw me graduate. She was actually the last person I saw before I sat down after they handed me my folder to put my certificate in. But on the way out I at least found Jesse and I made him hold my hand and walk with me because he deserves it as much as I do for putting up with me throughout my school and supporting me through it. 

After we found Grandma and we took pictures after. We tried to get pictures by the fountain because of my favorite photos of grandma and me is infront of the fountain for my high school graduation but it was too busy so we just took them over near the trees. Grandma got me flowers as well, she always gets the most interesting arrangements and she got me a "birds of paradise" flower. They come from Hawaii I guess, but she chose them because she knows that I like orange. 

Then afterwards we went for lunch with Grandma and Jesse to Tony Romas. Mom couldn't because she had to go back to work. But it was nice going for lunch with just Grandma. Jesse got to know her better and she got to know Jesse better too which was nice.

But that was my graduation, it was hectic and emotional but I am glad that I decided to go.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Drivers Ed : Class time

Last night I started Drivers Ed. I did not want to go to drivers ed since I just wanted to get my license as soon as possible and most of the classes revolve around kids class schedules instead of just getting the classes done and get my drivers license quick.

My instructor for the class section is Adrian Brown he is a teacher in a little town around Lethbrid. ge and he is awkwardly funny. He tries to make jokes but they are not always the best but he makes driving seem interesting. While listening to the lesson I realized that I was glad to take the class rather than just being like I don't want to be there. I am glad that I took the course because it is making me more aware of things that I wouldn't have known. 

In the class particularly he taught the proper position of the wheel which is supposed to be at 9 and 3 o'clock so then you can turn the wheel 180 degrees instead of struggling and he tried to teach hand over hand method but when he made us practice in the air I couldn't get it right he joked and said I was getting into some major collision because of that. But I really feel like the first class is to scare the crap out of you by showing car accidents and such. But I am glad I am taking the course I am glad I am getting to learn how to drive the proper way.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Missionaries over for dinner!

Tonight we had the missionaries over for dinner. We had sister jones that is from logan utah and a new sister named Sister Butler who comes from Happy Valley Utah. It always is fun having them over for dinner though because they are always nice, we have good conversation and they always are so appreciative of having them over for dinner. 

Tonight we had lasagna from Sobeys,  chapman's ice cream and fruit cocktail. It is interesting though because I found out that they do not have perogies in the states or chapman's frozen yogurt. I don't think I could live in the states simply for that reason. 

But tonight I got to learn about Sister Butler and she was serving in Medicine Hat for awhile, and since I knew a little bit about Med. Hat it was nice to talk to her about the aggressive drivers, the strange streets and the construction that never ends on the highway bridge. Then we talked about the flood that happened in the summer, the snow storm in December and about how sketchy it is to live on the north side. But it was a very good conversation and I always love having our sister missionaries over for dinner!

Another girl day!

Ashley and I had yet another girl day this week. We went to the mall and we went to the body shop, david's tea, michael's, jysk, la senza, and chapters. 

At the body shop I bought a vitamin c microdermabrasion exfoliant, a tea tree blemish stick and a vitamin E intense moisturizer and I got a sample for the eye cream from the vitamin E line. The only problem with going there was that the sales ladies were always on my ass the whole time. They were hovering over me and began to pressure me into buying things so I got very irritated by the end. But I love all the things that I bought and should be good for like a year. 

In david's tea I bought a tumbler that had a tea basket in it and got two white chocolate frost, alpine punch, choconut, and coconut oolong. I got a better price for everything because Ashley let me use up the rest of her gift card which was very nice. 

In la senze I bought another leopard print shirt except that this one was a black leopard print. 

Then in jysk and Michael's we just looked around. I was surprised at how Jysk had so many good and cheap table sets. They have a table set along with the chairs for a 100 dollars or more up to 700 which is not a bad price for tables and chairs. 

Then in chapters we just had some starbucks drinks until then we just went home after that. 

But it was a good fun girls day!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

New job and friends!

I am now finished my practicum and I am so lucky that I was able to get a job so soon afterwards. I have a position at shoppers in the home health care department so if someone needs a bathtub chair, a walker, crutches, etc. I am your girl! I already worked one shift but just as a cashier and not in my department yet. They were just training me to get used to the till, but I am happy that I do not have a cashier position there because it can get quite busy at this location. But none the less I have started and I am starting at a decent wage too so I am happy about it. 

Then I have hung out with Ashley quite a bit lately, earlier in the week we went on a girls shopping trip to celebrate me finishing my practicum. We went to La Senza, Davids Tea, and the body shop, and bath and body works. I spent a bit of money in each because its nice to get nice things for yourself once in awhile. Then later that afternoon we went for a buffet at the Dynasty downtown and just relaxed afterwards. Then she came over for a little tea party so she let me try some different teas from davids tea, I got a chocolate orange one that I LOVE, it is so good it reminds me of a Terry's chocolate orange. But it was fun!