Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Drivers Ed : Class time

Last night I started Drivers Ed. I did not want to go to drivers ed since I just wanted to get my license as soon as possible and most of the classes revolve around kids class schedules instead of just getting the classes done and get my drivers license quick.

My instructor for the class section is Adrian Brown he is a teacher in a little town around Lethbrid. ge and he is awkwardly funny. He tries to make jokes but they are not always the best but he makes driving seem interesting. While listening to the lesson I realized that I was glad to take the class rather than just being like I don't want to be there. I am glad that I took the course because it is making me more aware of things that I wouldn't have known. 

In the class particularly he taught the proper position of the wheel which is supposed to be at 9 and 3 o'clock so then you can turn the wheel 180 degrees instead of struggling and he tried to teach hand over hand method but when he made us practice in the air I couldn't get it right he joked and said I was getting into some major collision because of that. But I really feel like the first class is to scare the crap out of you by showing car accidents and such. But I am glad I am taking the course I am glad I am getting to learn how to drive the proper way.

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