Saturday, April 5, 2014

Missionaries over for dinner!

Tonight we had the missionaries over for dinner. We had sister jones that is from logan utah and a new sister named Sister Butler who comes from Happy Valley Utah. It always is fun having them over for dinner though because they are always nice, we have good conversation and they always are so appreciative of having them over for dinner. 

Tonight we had lasagna from Sobeys,  chapman's ice cream and fruit cocktail. It is interesting though because I found out that they do not have perogies in the states or chapman's frozen yogurt. I don't think I could live in the states simply for that reason. 

But tonight I got to learn about Sister Butler and she was serving in Medicine Hat for awhile, and since I knew a little bit about Med. Hat it was nice to talk to her about the aggressive drivers, the strange streets and the construction that never ends on the highway bridge. Then we talked about the flood that happened in the summer, the snow storm in December and about how sketchy it is to live on the north side. But it was a very good conversation and I always love having our sister missionaries over for dinner!

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