Tuesday, September 25, 2018

7 months

 month Update: Her favorite foods are eggs, nutrigrain bars, gerber puffs and fresh veggies! She is a pro roller, and can say mama and baba. She began to army crawl this month, she loves her jumperoo and swimming! Currently 0 teeth and loves to reach for any toy!
Trips and outings: This month mommy babysat a little girl named Emily while her mom was looking for a dayhome for her! Emiley loved to help with feedings and played with Macy and the puppies a lot! We always went swimming this month, and went on a trip to edmonton where she got to see the seals!

1 year!!

update: No more months! She is officially 1 year! She weighs 19 lbs 7 oz and is 28 inches long! She had a mermaid themed birthday party for her birthday! She got to meet her first dayhome provider this month, her name is Jodie and we love her very much! Mommy ended up going back to work halfway through the month and she missed her little Moo terribly! She is fully standing unassisted this month and figured out how to use both her walkers! Still 0 teeth and forever teething, although hopeful in a month a tooth will pop through! She loves food, a complete foodie through and through! She is progressively getting less bottles and more solids than anything! Some of her favorite foods are tomatoes, applesauce, yogurt and any type of cereal! She was a pro at her cake smash photoshoot and she loved the faux balloon ball pit mommy made her for her birthday party! 
Trips and outings: She got to go to dayhome for a few hours each week and loves Jodie! We got to go on a playdate with our friends Aubrey and Ashley. We got to meet their newest addition to their family little Sammy and Macy was quite jealous that mommy was giving sammy attention! We are still working out the kinks to get mommy to balance out our playdates but working on it!  

11 months!

update: She crawls everywhere and anywhere this month! Her hobbies this month include ripping everything apart, throwing things, and putting everything in her mouth! Her favorite food is applesauce and yogurt! She loves to play with her dogs and think everything is funny! She enjoys being chased by mommy and thinks its the funniest thing! She began to stand unassisted and walking along furniture! She is still an amazing sleeper at night! 
trips and outings: This month was such a busy month! We went to the island to go visit her aunties Christina and Auntie Kotarah! Auntie Christina was sick in the hospital, but by Macy going there it made her feel better. She loved to pinch auntie, and loved to be held and loved by her. Macy went swimming with her Auntie Kotarah and Uncle Ryan and loved trying to tear apart their house! Auntie Kotarah didn't realize how many things babies can get into! We got another visit from Julie and her youngings, we went to treehouse and enjoyed playing with her kids! We went to the zoo with our cousin Saphire, and got to meet Auntie Nikki. We went to sunny brook farm and got to play on the tractors and of course more beach visits! 

10 months!

update: Macy finally learned how to crawl this month. Still 0 teeth and actively teething. She loves to play fetch with the dogs and thinks its hilarious! Her favorite toys are still her bath toys, she loves to munch on them wherever we go! Always have rubber duckies, in the car, in the diaper bag, even in the crib! She was attached to her bottle all month long, and would nearly kill you if you took it away! She began to figure out sequences this month such as opening and closing a book, opening and closing a cupboard etc. She says mama when she is upset and da da when shes happy. She learnt a new word this month being pa pa for puppy!
trips and outings:  This month we hosted a tea party and met some new friends! We went to celebrate our friend wally's birthday! We enjoyed going to church and seeing our friend Tatum as well!

9 months!

update:  Macy is 9 months! She weights 18.5 lbs and 27 inches long! She is really talkative and happy! She wiggles out of our arms most of the time and has more energy than we know what to do with! Still 0 teeth but always teething! Her favorite toys is her bath toys and splashing in the tub! She pulls herself up on nearly everything! She can clap her hands together! She had separation anxiety from mama most of the time this month. She is learning that not only do people come in different sizes but in ages too! 
trips and outings:   We had quite a few outings this month! We went on playdates with our friends Maureen and Wally! We went to go have a sleepover at Michelle's, her kids were the best babysitters! We had a visit from grandma Karen this month and spoiled her like usual! We went to the beach lots this month too! We also went to edmonton to go visit and Uncle Jeremiah and Auntie Sarah, who also spoiled her this month! 
Mommy and Daddy also got a new dog! His name is cooper and he loves to spend time with Macy! Such a suck! 

8 months

update: Macy moo is 8 months! Still 0 teeth, she got her ears pierced this month it hurt mamas heart a bit but its done! She is a pro roller and began to crawl backwards, she could crawl in a circle! She keeps on getting louder and louder! Her hair began to come in and is more like a mohawk than anything! 
trips and outings: This month mama traded in her jeep for a dodge journey -a 7 seater - to prepare for possible future siblings! We went to treehouse with our friends Aubrey and celebrated her birthday there! We went down to Lethbridge to visit grandma P and grandma Jean! We got to meet Holly and she pierced her ears! We got to go visit Julie and Mark and their youngings, who adore her! 
We met Char Ivy and Ryker at a easter event where she got to decorate an egg, make a mask and made our first picture with the help of mommy of course! We also had our first trip to the zoo! Macy didn't really understand what was going on but Mom had so much fun seeing the sights!