Tuesday, September 25, 2018

10 months!

update: Macy finally learned how to crawl this month. Still 0 teeth and actively teething. She loves to play fetch with the dogs and thinks its hilarious! Her favorite toys are still her bath toys, she loves to munch on them wherever we go! Always have rubber duckies, in the car, in the diaper bag, even in the crib! She was attached to her bottle all month long, and would nearly kill you if you took it away! She began to figure out sequences this month such as opening and closing a book, opening and closing a cupboard etc. She says mama when she is upset and da da when shes happy. She learnt a new word this month being pa pa for puppy!
trips and outings:  This month we hosted a tea party and met some new friends! We went to celebrate our friend wally's birthday! We enjoyed going to church and seeing our friend Tatum as well!

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