Tuesday, September 25, 2018

9 months!

update:  Macy is 9 months! She weights 18.5 lbs and 27 inches long! She is really talkative and happy! She wiggles out of our arms most of the time and has more energy than we know what to do with! Still 0 teeth but always teething! Her favorite toys is her bath toys and splashing in the tub! She pulls herself up on nearly everything! She can clap her hands together! She had separation anxiety from mama most of the time this month. She is learning that not only do people come in different sizes but in ages too! 
trips and outings:   We had quite a few outings this month! We went on playdates with our friends Maureen and Wally! We went to go have a sleepover at Michelle's, her kids were the best babysitters! We had a visit from grandma Karen this month and spoiled her like usual! We went to the beach lots this month too! We also went to edmonton to go visit and Uncle Jeremiah and Auntie Sarah, who also spoiled her this month! 
Mommy and Daddy also got a new dog! His name is cooper and he loves to spend time with Macy! Such a suck! 

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