Tuesday, September 25, 2018

1 year!!

update: No more months! She is officially 1 year! She weighs 19 lbs 7 oz and is 28 inches long! She had a mermaid themed birthday party for her birthday! She got to meet her first dayhome provider this month, her name is Jodie and we love her very much! Mommy ended up going back to work halfway through the month and she missed her little Moo terribly! She is fully standing unassisted this month and figured out how to use both her walkers! Still 0 teeth and forever teething, although hopeful in a month a tooth will pop through! She loves food, a complete foodie through and through! She is progressively getting less bottles and more solids than anything! Some of her favorite foods are tomatoes, applesauce, yogurt and any type of cereal! She was a pro at her cake smash photoshoot and she loved the faux balloon ball pit mommy made her for her birthday party! 
Trips and outings: She got to go to dayhome for a few hours each week and loves Jodie! We got to go on a playdate with our friends Aubrey and Ashley. We got to meet their newest addition to their family little Sammy and Macy was quite jealous that mommy was giving sammy attention! We are still working out the kinks to get mommy to balance out our playdates but working on it!  

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