Tuesday, September 25, 2018

11 months!

update: She crawls everywhere and anywhere this month! Her hobbies this month include ripping everything apart, throwing things, and putting everything in her mouth! Her favorite food is applesauce and yogurt! She loves to play with her dogs and think everything is funny! She enjoys being chased by mommy and thinks its the funniest thing! She began to stand unassisted and walking along furniture! She is still an amazing sleeper at night! 
trips and outings: This month was such a busy month! We went to the island to go visit her aunties Christina and Auntie Kotarah! Auntie Christina was sick in the hospital, but by Macy going there it made her feel better. She loved to pinch auntie, and loved to be held and loved by her. Macy went swimming with her Auntie Kotarah and Uncle Ryan and loved trying to tear apart their house! Auntie Kotarah didn't realize how many things babies can get into! We got another visit from Julie and her youngings, we went to treehouse and enjoyed playing with her kids! We went to the zoo with our cousin Saphire, and got to meet Auntie Nikki. We went to sunny brook farm and got to play on the tractors and of course more beach visits! 

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