Friday, November 30, 2012

Sick in montana

On Wednesday after we went to the doctors, my mom and I went to go eat at Montana's. It literally has been so long since we have been there...the last time that I remember going was when my sister was here, and when she was you can imagine how long it has been.
Sailor's way of drawing her
Anyways I ordered a veggie burger and mom ordered chicken strips. Her chicken strips were so good and they were not greasy. It is so hard for chicken strips to not be greasy. And for my veggie burger. I looove that it had fresh feta cheese on it, it just makes it taste so much better but it would have been better if it had a whole grain bun instead of a white bun. But all in all still good.


Minnnie and Ginger

For dessert my mom had a sticky toffee pudding and I had the deep fried cheesecake. Personally I think that if restaurants sell desserts like this then they should have complimentary milk on the side since they were so sweet. My mom's toffee pudding was like pure carmel and yummyness, as for mine I had tried it before and it is so good. You get quality and quantity for the price as well..the cheesecake was huuge! It could probably fill at least 3 people, and it was still cheap. 

Anyways after that we went to the south side Walmart for some groceries...and I have to say..the layout of the south side walmart is weird. I haven't actually been in there since I quit working there, but I never realize how crappy the layout is. They hardly have any big tills at all and the express lanes are placed strangely.

Moose head...I shall call him Ralph
We had looked around the place for quite awhile too, we were trying to get Christmas present ideas, and didn't come up with too many actually. I have to add as well that this year there are crappy christmas decorations, I am trying to look for some good ones and there are hardly any in the stores, and I know they say to wait till December for them to come out but I think that's late to put stuff out. 

But at the other walmart they have better fragrance sales on..I think I will have to go back and take advantage of those deals, I think it is cool how they have their own cosmetics desk as well.

But our cashier was funny, her name was samantha and she used a lot of puns. We bought kitty litter and she said that she told a lady one time after buying some to have a "Crappy" day.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

sick as anything

These past few days I have been sick as anything. I cannot breathe from my nose OR from my mouth. It is just horrid, I cannot remember being this sick in about 2 means I have to eat healthier to get my immunity back.

Anyways all I have been eating since yesterday is chicken noodle soup and popsicles. Both of those make me feel so good, considering that I sound like a man right now it is somewhat helping. I am just so angry that I am sick though. I even had a flu shot to prevent getting sick and I have gotten the sickest I have in forever.

But anyways hopefully I will feel better soon. I cannot miss anymore work at all, I am going to go get some drugs tonight so that hopefully I will feel better. Anyways wish me luck.

P.S. our oven is still not fixed which means I STILL cannot use my kitchenaid. Horrible horrible horrible. 

but my boyfriend's family is so nice that they gave me some chicken noodle soup. It helps a him so much.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The pizza and the Kitchenaid

After a long beauty rest last night of my 2 days of 9 hour shifts from a night of helping my boyfriend with his homework. I felt like crapola. I was so dead this morning and still am..writing this at 12:30 in the morning, but this day was really good so I just had to blog about it!

As the day went by after waking up..putting my make up on..getting purdy for the day. I went over to Ethan's house because I needed help with chemistry. I thought that I was going to ask about hydrogen bonding..but after looking at the next unit. I thought...maybe I should get him to help me with this one more...hello..Boyle's law..and with that law comes math. Dun dun dunnnnnn. 

For some reason my mind thinks that in science there should not be math, when in reality that is all that science is. So when I see any math in science my brain goes into a swearing frenzy and says WTF why is there math in science. There is supposed to be NO math in science...but reality is that without math there is no science. 
Sad face.

But he texted me and said that he was at the mall and said that he would be awhile. So I tried to figure it out but couldn't so when his mom came home we went to go pick him up from King of trade (his fav should see how fast he looks through those games..he should win a medal for that) 

Anyways Ethan was being strangely nice and took his mother and I to this little pizza joint that is underneath the Shanghai sign downtown or down the street from Pita Pit. The place is called Square Guys Pizza and it was really good. I mean best pizza in the city good. The crust was perfect and the pizza was not greasy at all, it was good old style pizza. One slice could have been one meal on its own with all the toppings on it, on the supreme it has more meat on it than a subway sandwhich almost. 

We met the chef and boy can he ever talk. He talked about his plans for the place and I think..if he can pull it off he can really make his restaurant popular. 

Anyways afterwards....I went to go pick up...wait for it.
*insert squeal*

I, Celina Ouimet, after 19 and a half years of life, finally own a kitchenaid. When I got home I made peanut butter cookies and you would have never see such a beautiful sight. The mixer mixing the ingredients so perfectly and you did not have to do anything, not even scrape the sides that much. 

In all honesty I can never go back to hand beating a cookie recipe again. After the luxury of having a kitchenaide why should I? 
Also it was the fastest batch of cookies I ever made too, it took me about 3 minutes to make the batch and they cooked for about 10 minutes. 
It also is cool that with the kitchenaide they give you a recipe book along with it..which is where I got the peanut butter recipe. 

But all in all pretty good day..if I say so myself. 

*insert squeal again* 

Anyways off to bed. I need more beauty sleep than I can get, and relaxation. 

Until next time!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Cinnamon hearts...

Last night I made cinnamon buns..but they were shaped in a heart. I came across the idea on youtube and I wanted to try it at home. I made some for me and my mom and then later that night we watched brave.
Cinnamon buns before they went in the oven
 Brave is like my favourite movie now haha it is so funny. My mom was laughing so hard at the movie which I always love hearing. 
Cinnamon bun hearts when they were finished
But that was my night last night. Adios for now!

Gingerbread houses...

So Ethan and I did Gingerbread houses on Friday night. It was so much fun haha. 
In the kit we got pre-made gingerbread houses some candy (not a lot) and the icing sugar for the icing obviously haha. Anyways we had to make the icing ourselves and boy was it messy...need I say again messy. I had icing on me and it flew was crazy ha ha and it took awhile to make it too. 

Anyways Ethan did the traditional house (up above) and I did the acid trip house. The idea that I originally had for mh house did not work at I kind of went all out..literally. I went crazy on my house. But at the same time I could not believe that Ethan did a "normal" classic gingerbread house. Since he is an artist I thought that he would do something more over the top but he didn' I thought that was interesting. 

Another thing about the icing ha ha I don't know how but I got it everywhere on me..I got it on my glasses and on my face and I have no clue how I did that.

But that was my date with Ethan for doing gingerbread houses. It was fun and I will have to make a tradition of doing this.
Add caption

Ethan's traditional house
side of my house..looks like hurricane sandy came through a little bit

The penguin that I did on my house...was supposed to be a snowman

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day off of work...

So today I went to go redeem some of my 20% off coupons for work so I got a jacket and a pair of boots..pretty boring I know. of an adult means buying your needs over your wants..its a sad life that I am a part of now.

But the exciting part of my day...I found...drum roll please....
An Adult Onesie! 
Do you know how long I have wanted one for now? A long time..yup..a very long time. I am happy too with this one because not only is it a onesie but it has a hood..and pink leopard pink..oh yeahh. 

So I am happy as happy can be with my purchase that I found..and it was the last one..pretty good dealio. 

Tomorrow is work again..but my find of the day sure made my day off amaza good. 
Until next time!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Update: Part 2

So to continue my little upate..

October 27
Hanging out with friends

So I went to the mall to hang out with this girl from work that I became friends with. Her name is Talyssa and we just walked into random stores to look at stuff, it was hard to find things to look at though because I didn't know what I was looking for. 

Ethan came as well and he was talking more than I was. I just was not that talkative that day, also hanging out for the first is hard to come up with things to talk about other than work. But it was fun. 

Later we went to Paranormal Activity 4. I haven't seen any of the movies except for the first movie which I wasn't that impressed with. But at the movie everyone was laughing at me because I kept on jumping..well at least Ethan did. He really mocked me for jumping and curling up in his arm at the end because there was scary a$? people at the end. 

But other than the ending it was what do you do when a movie is boring? you mock it of course. We were mocking the movie and the actors throughout the whole movie. It was a pathetic movie though and the actors sucked but it was fun to make fun of it ha ha.

Update: Part 1

I really admit it has been a long time since I blogged. Honestly I think this is the longest I have gone without blogging..feels like a part of me is missing in a way so thought to give a little update on what I have been up to, and I will try to do it in chronological order the best that I can remember...See this is why I need to blog more so that my memories are fresh and ready to write down. 

October 26
Pumpkin Carving
So I had pumpkin carving at with Ethan's family and with my mom as well for the "family night". It was a lot of fun. I had two pumpkins to carve since my mom decided last minute that she did not want to do a pumpkin. So I made 2. The pumpkins that I carved was a pac man pumpkin and a hello kitty one. The one that Erin did was of a cat and I think a moon..cannot remember too well..

 Lastly, Ethan's was....
lets just say he always will be the kid that does the hardest project that takes the longest. He carved his pumpkin but he made it so that it could be an art project too. He did this design on it and carved it so that it wasn't carved all the way through. 

But man that was so much fun having everyone I love there all together. They were all worried about me though haha because I was carving my pumpkins quite vigorously. Erin told me the whole night that she would take away my knife because she was scared that I would stab myself haha.

But all in all it really was a great time.