Sunday, November 4, 2012

Update: Part 2

So to continue my little upate..

October 27
Hanging out with friends

So I went to the mall to hang out with this girl from work that I became friends with. Her name is Talyssa and we just walked into random stores to look at stuff, it was hard to find things to look at though because I didn't know what I was looking for. 

Ethan came as well and he was talking more than I was. I just was not that talkative that day, also hanging out for the first is hard to come up with things to talk about other than work. But it was fun. 

Later we went to Paranormal Activity 4. I haven't seen any of the movies except for the first movie which I wasn't that impressed with. But at the movie everyone was laughing at me because I kept on jumping..well at least Ethan did. He really mocked me for jumping and curling up in his arm at the end because there was scary a$? people at the end. 

But other than the ending it was what do you do when a movie is boring? you mock it of course. We were mocking the movie and the actors throughout the whole movie. It was a pathetic movie though and the actors sucked but it was fun to make fun of it ha ha.

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