Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The pizza and the Kitchenaid

After a long beauty rest last night of my 2 days of 9 hour shifts from work...plus a night of helping my boyfriend with his homework. I felt like crapola. I was so dead this morning and still am..writing this at 12:30 in the morning, but this day was really good so I just had to blog about it!

As the day went by after waking up..putting my make up on..getting purdy for the day. I went over to Ethan's house because I needed help with chemistry. I thought that I was going to ask about hydrogen bonding..but after looking at the next unit. I thought...maybe I should get him to help me with this one more...hello..Boyle's law..and with that law comes math. Dun dun dunnnnnn. 

For some reason my mind thinks that in science there should not be math, when in reality that is all that science is. So when I see any math in science my brain goes into a swearing frenzy and says WTF why is there math in science. There is supposed to be NO math in science...but reality is that without math there is no science. 
Sad face.

But he texted me and said that he was at the mall and said that he would be awhile. So I tried to figure it out but couldn't so when his mom came home we went to go pick him up from King of trade (his fav store...ever..you should see how fast he looks through those games..he should win a medal for that) 

Anyways Ethan was being strangely nice and took his mother and I to this little pizza joint that is underneath the Shanghai sign downtown or down the street from Pita Pit. The place is called Square Guys Pizza and it was really good. I mean best pizza in the city good. The crust was perfect and the pizza was not greasy at all, it was good old style pizza. One slice could have been one meal on its own with all the toppings on it, on the supreme it has more meat on it than a subway sandwhich almost. 

We met the chef and boy can he ever talk. He talked about his plans for the place and I think..if he can pull it off he can really make his restaurant popular. 

Anyways afterwards....I went to go pick up...wait for it.
*insert squeal*

I, Celina Ouimet, after 19 and a half years of life, finally own a kitchenaid. When I got home I made peanut butter cookies and you would have never see such a beautiful sight. The mixer mixing the ingredients so perfectly and you did not have to do anything, not even scrape the sides that much. 

In all honesty I can never go back to hand beating a cookie recipe again. After the luxury of having a kitchenaide why should I? 
Also it was the fastest batch of cookies I ever made too, it took me about 3 minutes to make the batch and they cooked for about 10 minutes. 
It also is cool that with the kitchenaide they give you a recipe book along with it..which is where I got the peanut butter recipe. 

But all in all pretty good day..if I say so myself. 

*insert squeal again* 

Anyways off to bed. I need more beauty sleep than I can get, and relaxation. 

Until next time!

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