Monday, November 19, 2012

Gingerbread houses...

So Ethan and I did Gingerbread houses on Friday night. It was so much fun haha. 
In the kit we got pre-made gingerbread houses some candy (not a lot) and the icing sugar for the icing obviously haha. Anyways we had to make the icing ourselves and boy was it messy...need I say again messy. I had icing on me and it flew was crazy ha ha and it took awhile to make it too. 

Anyways Ethan did the traditional house (up above) and I did the acid trip house. The idea that I originally had for mh house did not work at I kind of went all out..literally. I went crazy on my house. But at the same time I could not believe that Ethan did a "normal" classic gingerbread house. Since he is an artist I thought that he would do something more over the top but he didn' I thought that was interesting. 

Another thing about the icing ha ha I don't know how but I got it everywhere on me..I got it on my glasses and on my face and I have no clue how I did that.

But that was my date with Ethan for doing gingerbread houses. It was fun and I will have to make a tradition of doing this.
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Ethan's traditional house
side of my house..looks like hurricane sandy came through a little bit

The penguin that I did on my house...was supposed to be a snowman

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