Wednesday, November 28, 2012

sick as anything

These past few days I have been sick as anything. I cannot breathe from my nose OR from my mouth. It is just horrid, I cannot remember being this sick in about 2 means I have to eat healthier to get my immunity back.

Anyways all I have been eating since yesterday is chicken noodle soup and popsicles. Both of those make me feel so good, considering that I sound like a man right now it is somewhat helping. I am just so angry that I am sick though. I even had a flu shot to prevent getting sick and I have gotten the sickest I have in forever.

But anyways hopefully I will feel better soon. I cannot miss anymore work at all, I am going to go get some drugs tonight so that hopefully I will feel better. Anyways wish me luck.

P.S. our oven is still not fixed which means I STILL cannot use my kitchenaid. Horrible horrible horrible. 

but my boyfriend's family is so nice that they gave me some chicken noodle soup. It helps a him so much.

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