Friday, January 31, 2014

Last week of freedom?

This has been my official last day of freedom before going off into my practicum on Monday. Today I went to meet my program leader at the hospital to:
1. Get a locker
2. Get my ID
3. Find out where the heck the department was haha
BONUS: I got to meet the manager of the department, Cecilia Martinell's daughter Jody and found out the name of the lady I would be with on Monday for my first week in decontamination. 

I also was able to table home the masks that they wear in decontamination so that I would get used to it before actually getting them. I guess that sometimes they can get intimidated by the masks since they are nervous and the masks can make people not breathe properly since they are not used to it. 

I also was able to do all my errands that I will probably not get to do while I am away at my practicum like go to the bank, get some groceries and pick up some things at my grandma's. 
I hung out with my sister as well, and I tried to teach her and Jesse how to crochet. My sister did ok at crocheting, it is just about learning how to properly hold the yarn and such. Jesse did not find success, he made the tightest chains I have ever seen anyone make and he is pretty much pro at making super tight chains now. 
 Today was also Jesse's 24th birthday. I got him a kiss (the band) cup, a $10 dollar gift card to tim hortion's, some bacon, some creamer for coffee and a bag of chips. Mom got him this wrench pen (it really does look like a wrench), and some steaks which we had for supper tonight. They were so good, he cooked them, although they were not medium rare like he wanted they still were really juicy and they were good steaks too. 

Later on tonight we went to go see the movie 47 ronin since we had a gift card for the movie mill that my grandmother had given us for a birthday present.  It was a very good movie, very entertaining I definitely recommend people go and see it. It was just plainly good. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Guesstures and wisdom teeth

A few nights ago my sister came over for a little visit and we decided to play a game that I have bought 4-5 years ago called guesstures. It was one of my favorite games in school, in grade 7, instead of playing 7-up we would play guesstures to pass the time. I had bought the game but never played it with anyone until this night. We decided to do it based on teams so Jesse and I on one team, and my sister and my mom on the other. One thing that I would have never though was that Jesse would play this game since he hardly likes to play games in general except for grand theft auto and call of duty. But he played and it was funny watching him act out the cards that were given. He thought that mom was really good at the game which he would have never known before. 

Then yesterday I got my wisdom teeth taken out. From entry into the appointment to when I left the procedure only took about 40 minutes which is impressive for removing 4 wisdom teeth. It really was not that bad having them removed, it sucked getting the freezing in though and my mouth stayed frozen for like 9 hours afterwards which wasn't good. I guess that I gushed a lot of blood, they had to pretty much clean my whole face from the blood spatters that were on my  face and I saw that my blood went onto my Dentist's forehead too, which is gross but they said it made their day. As well as my attitude was good they asked me if I wanted a break and I nodded no because I just wanted them all out. But man after that freezing came out did it really start to hurt. Even now I can barely open my jaw because of how sore it is and swollen. I bled for a long time too, for about 8 hours afterwards. But thank the lord for T3's and anti-inflammatory medication. That is what is making my life right now.
Kind of how I felt like the pain of my wisdom teeth
Have both your pain medication AND an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen. You will suffer from either if you are living without either one of these!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Card making

Man oh man this month has been busy! Kotarah came over again and while she came over here she got lost! I guess that the way that she took went to the North side instead of the south side so she found the DQ that is by where she is currently staying and just tried it again. 

But it was fun having her over. We watched some netflix which is barbie life in the dreamhouse, which is a kids show about what it would be like to be barbie. It is funny in that, it makes fun of Barbie's life and how funny it would be if all of that were true. 

Then we made cards together I made two birthday cards, one of them being Jesse's birthday card. 

Which brings me to my anniversary. I cannot believe that I am saying that I am having a 1 year anniversary to Jesse! From being friends to high being like my best friend! Our anniversary is on January 23 and I am not sure what we are going to do but still cannot believe it has been a year. 

Monday, January 20, 2014


Man today was a trip to the past. Today my sister and I went back to our elementary school, Lakeview. Man was it nostalgic...I even got to talk to my old teachers. My kindergarten teacher Mrs. McKnight, my grade one teacher, Mrs. Firth, and my grade 3 teacher Mrs. Kortt. Which oddly enough Mrs. Kortt is the wife of my current program leader right now.. Dave Kortt. So it is a really small world that they are married to each other and everyone wished me luck on my practicum.

In general it just was nice to go back and see who still is there, it is amazing how many memories come flooding back when you go and visit things like that.
 Especially since as a child all you wish is to grow up and once you grow up all you want to be is young again. I remember how I thought that growing up would take so long to achieve, and now I feel like it needs to slow down a little bit so that I can take time to enjoy moments like these. 

But that was pretty much our day!

Exercise equipment at the lakeview park! Who needs a gym membership?!?

Dinner with Jessie...girls night

Last night Jessie Hein asked me over for dinner since a girls night got cancelled. It was nice since I have never been to her house before. Her house is like an ad for pinterest. She refurbishes old furniture and makes it into something that she likes, and she does it for cheap. She enjoys finding bargain finds and her living room probably cost her about $200 to create.

She made supper, which was a coconut curry with shrimp, and lots of vegetables. As well as a Banana loaf with a chocolate gonoche on top with some crunchy chocolate balls and whip cream. It was all good and very tasty. I even tried smoked duck that her "hubby" made since he is the chef in their house instead of Jessie.

But we just hung out, talked about stuff, relaxed. We both crocheted and she was working on (I think) her newest project her nightstands that she is making for her bedroom. It is seriously amazing how crafty she is, in her bathroom she put crown molding at the top where the shower curtain rod goes because she thought it was ugly to just have the shower rod and it looked really nice. She just in general is very crafty and creative when it comes to making things. I think she is an inspiration and I overall had a very nice relaxing girls night with her and hope to do it again soon! 
Photo courtesy of Jessie Hein's Facebook, but doesn't it look cool?

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Girly day

Today was a very girly day for me and a few others. Mom and I went to an antique show that was at the exhibition grounds. My friend Ashley and I went to this store called the Drunken Sailor and then got cupcakes at Edible Elegance downtown.

Mom and I walked to the Antique Toy show that they were having at the exhibition grounds. There was a lot more of a turn out than I thought there would be since I did not think that a lot of people in Lethbridge were interested in Antiques. 

They had several different kinds from having tea cups, old model cars, antique furniture and many other venders that were wishing to sell things from their collections. There were even a few artists that had their work on display and for sale, such as a oil painter, and a lady that makes dolls that look like fresh newborn babies. 

At the show there was everything that from really cool toys from the 80's to the creepy ones from the 20's. It was cool to see some of the old board games at one kiosk to an old bicycle at another. 

I have inserted a few pictures from the event here. 

Later on in the day I went to go meet Ashley downtown to go try on some clothing at Drunken Sailor downtown. It is fun to go do that because they post pictures of you in their clothing on their facebook page, and let you feel pretty. 

At first I got discouraged because there were some dresses that would fit me due to my bust being too big, but the sales person (Teegan) was amazing at making me feel comfortable. I told her it was difficult to buy clothing for my body shape, since I do not have a typical hour glass shape and she helped me feel comfortable in some of the dresses. 

Later on we went to Edible Elegance, which is a cupcakery in downtown lethbridge. The types of cupcakes I had was, rootbeer float, lemon drop, pretty in pink, cookies n' cream, coconut, and red velvet. My favourite is pretty in pink since they use a buttercream icing for that one, and the tiffany cupcake there but they didn't have that one in a mini.

We just talked about things that happened that week and comforted each other in our crappy weeks. But that was my day, until next time!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Kotarah comes to visit and Jesse starts school

Jesse has started school. the long 8 weeks has officially begun and he is doing good. he really enjoys his teachers, especially his shop teacher, she always makes sure he is doing something, in general he just likes the teachers since they are willing to help him. He already has done a test and he got 95 on the test, so I hope that his grades will continue to do good. 

Kotarah came to visit us. The first week she stayed at Joyanne's and this week I saw her twice. The first time was on sunday and we played Quelf and exchanged christmas gifts she gave me the book The Wealthy Barber, who was written by a guy that is on one of my favorite tv shows called Dragon's Den.  

The second day I met her downtown after my dentist appointment. She was having lunch with her friend at The Penny, and we went to the mall, we had some taco time and looked around the mall. Then I showed her the drunken sailor and then we went back to her place. She is staying in this nice basement suite that her friend owns, so its nice that she has her own space. 

While I was downtown waiting on my sister, I went into this small shop called Ten thousand villages, it is a store that promotes fair trade and has all these interesting things from around the world. One thing in particular that I thought was cool was that they had different nativities that are from around the world, since it was so far from Christmas most of their nativities were on sale so I bought mom one that was from Peru. I thought it was cool because they sent the piece of paper telling the origins of it and explaining some of the colours etc. I bought it for mom as an early christmas gift and she loved it. 

When we got home, Jesse opened his early birthday present which was a coffee mug with a holder since he needed one. He was using one that mom's friend had given her that was purple and had flowers all over it. He was ridiculed at school for it so its nice that now he has this own coffee mug. 

But until next time! Good luck ;)