Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Card making

Man oh man this month has been busy! Kotarah came over again and while she came over here she got lost! I guess that the way that she took went to the North side instead of the south side so she found the DQ that is by where she is currently staying and just tried it again. 

But it was fun having her over. We watched some netflix which is barbie life in the dreamhouse, which is a kids show about what it would be like to be barbie. It is funny in that, it makes fun of Barbie's life and how funny it would be if all of that were true. 

Then we made cards together I made two birthday cards, one of them being Jesse's birthday card. 

Which brings me to my anniversary. I cannot believe that I am saying that I am having a 1 year anniversary to Jesse! From being friends to high school...to being like my best friend! Our anniversary is on January 23 and I am not sure what we are going to do but still cannot believe it has been a year. 

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