Sunday, December 2, 2018

15 months!

month update: Just a few days after she turned 14 months she officially took her first steps on her own! The next day she was walking on her own without so much convincing and she chooses to walk whenever she can! She says hi, bye and waves every time she hears it! She learnt how to go down the stairs by herself as well as up the stairs! Her favorite thing to do is throw her toys off the banister to the landing! Her favorite dog is definitely ruff and now that she is walking ruff is finally warming up to her, she loves to cuddle her! She can officially play peek-a-boo with her hands, she loves only walking, and holding hands while she explores the new world through a different view! Changing her diaper is like being part of a WWE match, and she is so busy playing, making messes, and giggling all the time!
Trips and outings:

We hung out with our friends Ashley, Aubrey and little sammy again! Macy loved cuddling with little sammy and shared toys with Aubrey. Macy really enjoyed playing in their ball pit, and bouncing aubrey in sammys bouncy chair.

We went to our friend Ryker's birthday party at the collicut. They had their party in the fieldhouse, they had a bouncy castle, tons of little push cars, baby walkers, hockey sticks, hula hoops etc. The sky was the limit with how much stuff to have. Macy really enjoyed the walkers, and the bouncy castle. She loved bouncing on it and sliding off of it! She tried her first vegan cake and it was a hit, she had it all over her! She got excited and clapped every single time Ryker opened one of his presents. Their party was a huge hit for Macy!

We got to meet the grinch and had a photoshoot with him at a petvalu. It was supposed to be for dogs but we just couldn't resist meeting the grinch! Macy got to wear a dress that mommy wore when she was around her age for the picture!

We went to the festival of trees with grandma and our friends Molly and Emiley. We got to go view the trees (although not good with toddlers that want to grab everything). We painted a birdhouse, we got to decorate a tiny tree with tinsel, and we got a santa hat with her name on it in glitter! It was super busy but we had a lot of fun with our friends!

She had lots of sleepovers with her grandma, and we she now has a new adopted grandpa. Grandma's neighbour Laurence, she loves to cruise the halls of grandma's apartment holding his hand!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

14 months!

month update: She still has 0 teeth, forever teething! Still not walking on her own, but loves to push her walkers and hold onto one hand and walk! She still loves her white puppy, she loves to dance, she is beginning to "talk" more. We had a bad month of illness in our house and she was hit as well, but that never got her down. She was still happy as ever even though she wasnt feeling well!
Trips and outings:
Macy went trick or treating for the first time! She didn't fully understand why we were saying hi and bye so quickly. She thought if we were going to their door we should go inside! After a few houses Macy finally got the concept and she got excited every time she got a goodie in her treat bag. Her dad and I helped walk her house to house to ring door bells for candy! She was so proud of her loot as well, was swimming in it when we dropped off grandma at her place.
We also went to the abbey centre with Dad, we went up the big kid structure with both myself and her dad! We took her down the slides and she enjoyed climbing up to the top of the structure. She wanted to chase the bigger kids, but couldn't keep up!

13 months!

Month update:
She still has 0 teeth! We are beginning to work on the walking, and she took a few steps by herself! Her favorite toy is her white puppy that aunt geminie and uncle norman got for her! She has gotten quite cuddly this month and will snuggle up to anyone! She learned to start sharing her food with the dogs (bad habit) and with anyone that is trying to feed her!
Trips and outings:
She went to the pumpkin patch for the first time! It was chilly out and she was teething so she didn't enjoy it quite as much! But we loved seeing what kind of activities were at the patch! We enjoyed our time with our friends Char, Ivy and Ryker at the patch!
We also got to hang out with our friends Ashley, Aubrey and got to meet little Sammy! The girls played quite well together, they were a little bit shy, but enjoyed each others company!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

7 months

 month Update: Her favorite foods are eggs, nutrigrain bars, gerber puffs and fresh veggies! She is a pro roller, and can say mama and baba. She began to army crawl this month, she loves her jumperoo and swimming! Currently 0 teeth and loves to reach for any toy!
Trips and outings: This month mommy babysat a little girl named Emily while her mom was looking for a dayhome for her! Emiley loved to help with feedings and played with Macy and the puppies a lot! We always went swimming this month, and went on a trip to edmonton where she got to see the seals!

1 year!!

update: No more months! She is officially 1 year! She weighs 19 lbs 7 oz and is 28 inches long! She had a mermaid themed birthday party for her birthday! She got to meet her first dayhome provider this month, her name is Jodie and we love her very much! Mommy ended up going back to work halfway through the month and she missed her little Moo terribly! She is fully standing unassisted this month and figured out how to use both her walkers! Still 0 teeth and forever teething, although hopeful in a month a tooth will pop through! She loves food, a complete foodie through and through! She is progressively getting less bottles and more solids than anything! Some of her favorite foods are tomatoes, applesauce, yogurt and any type of cereal! She was a pro at her cake smash photoshoot and she loved the faux balloon ball pit mommy made her for her birthday party! 
Trips and outings: She got to go to dayhome for a few hours each week and loves Jodie! We got to go on a playdate with our friends Aubrey and Ashley. We got to meet their newest addition to their family little Sammy and Macy was quite jealous that mommy was giving sammy attention! We are still working out the kinks to get mommy to balance out our playdates but working on it!  

11 months!

update: She crawls everywhere and anywhere this month! Her hobbies this month include ripping everything apart, throwing things, and putting everything in her mouth! Her favorite food is applesauce and yogurt! She loves to play with her dogs and think everything is funny! She enjoys being chased by mommy and thinks its the funniest thing! She began to stand unassisted and walking along furniture! She is still an amazing sleeper at night! 
trips and outings: This month was such a busy month! We went to the island to go visit her aunties Christina and Auntie Kotarah! Auntie Christina was sick in the hospital, but by Macy going there it made her feel better. She loved to pinch auntie, and loved to be held and loved by her. Macy went swimming with her Auntie Kotarah and Uncle Ryan and loved trying to tear apart their house! Auntie Kotarah didn't realize how many things babies can get into! We got another visit from Julie and her youngings, we went to treehouse and enjoyed playing with her kids! We went to the zoo with our cousin Saphire, and got to meet Auntie Nikki. We went to sunny brook farm and got to play on the tractors and of course more beach visits! 

10 months!

update: Macy finally learned how to crawl this month. Still 0 teeth and actively teething. She loves to play fetch with the dogs and thinks its hilarious! Her favorite toys are still her bath toys, she loves to munch on them wherever we go! Always have rubber duckies, in the car, in the diaper bag, even in the crib! She was attached to her bottle all month long, and would nearly kill you if you took it away! She began to figure out sequences this month such as opening and closing a book, opening and closing a cupboard etc. She says mama when she is upset and da da when shes happy. She learnt a new word this month being pa pa for puppy!
trips and outings:  This month we hosted a tea party and met some new friends! We went to celebrate our friend wally's birthday! We enjoyed going to church and seeing our friend Tatum as well!

9 months!

update:  Macy is 9 months! She weights 18.5 lbs and 27 inches long! She is really talkative and happy! She wiggles out of our arms most of the time and has more energy than we know what to do with! Still 0 teeth but always teething! Her favorite toys is her bath toys and splashing in the tub! She pulls herself up on nearly everything! She can clap her hands together! She had separation anxiety from mama most of the time this month. She is learning that not only do people come in different sizes but in ages too! 
trips and outings:   We had quite a few outings this month! We went on playdates with our friends Maureen and Wally! We went to go have a sleepover at Michelle's, her kids were the best babysitters! We had a visit from grandma Karen this month and spoiled her like usual! We went to the beach lots this month too! We also went to edmonton to go visit and Uncle Jeremiah and Auntie Sarah, who also spoiled her this month! 
Mommy and Daddy also got a new dog! His name is cooper and he loves to spend time with Macy! Such a suck! 

8 months

update: Macy moo is 8 months! Still 0 teeth, she got her ears pierced this month it hurt mamas heart a bit but its done! She is a pro roller and began to crawl backwards, she could crawl in a circle! She keeps on getting louder and louder! Her hair began to come in and is more like a mohawk than anything! 
trips and outings: This month mama traded in her jeep for a dodge journey -a 7 seater - to prepare for possible future siblings! We went to treehouse with our friends Aubrey and celebrated her birthday there! We went down to Lethbridge to visit grandma P and grandma Jean! We got to meet Holly and she pierced her ears! We got to go visit Julie and Mark and their youngings, who adore her! 
We met Char Ivy and Ryker at a easter event where she got to decorate an egg, make a mask and made our first picture with the help of mommy of course! We also had our first trip to the zoo! Macy didn't really understand what was going on but Mom had so much fun seeing the sights! 

Monday, June 18, 2018

9 months!

Our little Macy Moo turned 9 months not that long ago! We had our 9 month doctor check up and she weighs 18.5 lbs and is 27 inches long! Was awfully hard to get her to stay still during her appointment as she still hates to be laying down completely, she still thinks she is going for a nap every time! She is loud and proud! When we go out or we are on the phone most people ask if she is having happy screams or upset screams! 90% of the time they are happy screams! She still has 0 teeth but has continuously been teething hard since 4 months! I think that her eye teeth will pop through soon as well as some others! Her comfort toys are her bath toys, always loves to have them in her mouth at all times anywhere! She officially clapped her hands together this month after Mommy and Nana tried to get her to clap her hands all the time! She loves bath time still and she pulled herself up in the tub for the first time in the tub, man was she proud of herself! She had bouts of separation anxiety from me when being around other people! She was attached to my hip almost the whole month! She began to notice that people come in all different shapes, sizes and ages! Her favorite age group to watch is still 5-10 year olds, they make her giggle the most! 
Trips and outings:
We had quite a few outings this month! We went to the zoo for the first time with our friends ryker and Ivy. We enjoyed seeing the peacocks the most as they were not caged in and you could pet them! We went on lots of walks with friends and hung out with wally, Maely, etc. We attended Maely's first birthday party and splashed in the water, enjoyed the other babies! 
We stayed the weekend at Michelle and Burts where we had tons of babysitters to help with us! We spend the whole long weekend there and we enjoyed all the kids that helped us out! All the kids helped bounce Macy gently on the trampoline. 
We got our pooch Cooper this month as well, off an acreage in Edmonton, he loves Macy just as much as we do! 
We got to see Grandma Karen for a few days, trying to help her find a job! 
We also went up to Edmonton to go visit Aunt Sarah, Uncle Jeremiah, Brock and Angel! Uncle Jeremiah was a natural and took care of her most of the time! They spoiled us by buying her a super cute minnie mouse hat and buying socks since her toes were cold! 
With Ryker at the zoo

After a walk with our friend Wally

With our favorite babysitter Shayza

Our other favorite babysitter Alana

She loved waffles

Our dog cooper on the way home! 
with Mommy at the zoo with the giraffe in the back 

At the mall with both our grandmas! 

8 months!

We are loud and we are proud this month! Macy talks non stop and borderline we can't tell if it is happy screams or mad screams! She can officially say mama and ba ba. She is eating everything, yogurt is her favorite but she tries everything from chocolate to certain vegetables. She loves to jump, laugh, LOVES swimming still. Her favorite people are mama, grandma and daddy! She is a pro roller at this time and never has the patience to even complete a full diaper change before flipping, when she flips she can get up on all 4s and crawl backwards. She is still the biggest grunter for everything especially when she tries to reach for anything. She still has 0 teeth but teething is going strong all the time! 
Trips and Outings:
We travelled down south to Lethbridge for a week to go help grandma to pack to move up with us and to visit great grandma! We went to this rummage sale that everything is free with great grandma, we had lots of fun there! We had lots of fun with great grandma and she gave us a doll with a tiny potty. We got to visit with an old coworker of Mommy's Kayla with her son Jackson. We also went for coffee with grandma's friend Juanita and we loved her! It was great to catch up! We said goodbye to some of the great areas of Lethbridge, like the museum and stan siwik the swimming pool that mom took swimmings lessons at as a kid! Mommy enjoyed her time with grandma and enjoyed restaurants that are not in the red deer area such as Marble slab and Mocha Cabanas.

We enjoyed celebrating Aubrey Ann's first birthday with her momma Ashley at treehouse! We loved enjoying ball pits, went on the boat ride and went down the slides with momma.
Exciting things:
Macy got her ears pierced by Jesse's Aunt Holly on our trip down south in Brooks, she was not happy getting it done but she survived! After about 20 minutes after she was back to her happy normal self after getting them done! 

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enjoying her yogurt!

not even enough patience for a full diaper change before rolling! 

Happy birthday Aubrey! With her Auntie Rachel at treehouse! 
with mommy on the rocking boat! 

Mommy teaching Macy how to be a hard negotiator..never accept less than the best! 

Mommy's new whip! 

Saturday, March 10, 2018

6 months!

Macy moo is 6 months old at her doctor appointment she weighed 16 lbs and is 63 cm long! She began to say mama when she is mad, we are working on saying dad and she finally figured out how to jump in her jumperoo! She finally is beginning to like tummy time, she can shake her own rattle and enjoys older babies. Her main focus on motivation is ruff! She laughs at everything. We constantly go on play dates with a lot of other friends, our favorite places to go is treehouse in red deer, the abbey centre in blackfalds and swimming. 
We went on a little vacation to Rocky mountain house to go see her dad. They had a swim pool there where we worked on some swim lesson exercises and blasted music. Mom's phone died while trying to go back home so we had to try and navigate on our own. 
We had a lot of blow outs this month! One of the most memorable ones she got her foot hooked on the diaper and it landed dirty side down on her face, bad thing was she began to lick the poop when I took the diaper off her face. It was the first time that after a diaper change I just decided a bath was in order. She got poop everywhere! On her feet, her hands, on her stomach! I got it everywhere on me as well! At least she loves her baths, she loves to splash and jump in the bath tub when I take a bath with her. 
She got her first cold this month, we were so glad that grandma was down because I got sick as well. Grandma was looking after mom, dad and macy. Jesse got the worst of the cold but after getting some puffers and antibiotics we all got better! 

4 months & 5 months old

Its been awhile since we have updated! I am going to do an update altogether. Since 4 months old we have tried some various foods, we love oat cereal, and raspberries. At 4 months she was able to touch her toes and became talkative as ever! We got to meet santa at christmas and loved to pull his beard, we got to meet grandma K, we visited our great grandma around christmas and got to meet Auntie Kotarah and Uncle Ryan who is just smitten! At her 4 month appt she was 15 lbs and grew 9 cm since her 2 month appointment!
5 months! We are fully laughing now, we have tried alot more foods like carrots, custard, butternut squash and avocado, we like it all! We sat up for the first time in front of daddy and mommy in the bath tub! We went swimming for the first time and we love it alot! She is cutting her left bottom tooth! She figured out how to jump in her jumperoo.