Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dinner with extended family

Tonight I went to dinner with my Uncle, his girlfriend, my grandmother and my mother. It was a lot of fun, we went to Tony Roma's since Uncle John has not been there before. I guess in the east, there is no Tony Roma's like how there used to be no Arby's in the east as well..I am not sure if they still do not have one but I don't know. I haven't been over there in forever.

Anyways, at Tony Roma's I had this Tuscan chicken thing..and ehh it was ok. I don't think I would order it again though. But I loved that they gave me more rice and broccoli as opposed to the actual meal because man do I love their rice. It is good and nicely seasoned. It just plainly is awesome.

But I had a great time talking with my Uncle and getting to know his girlfriend. She really is a nice lady and I think they are just so cute together. It really is nice knowing that my Uncle has got a good woman to love him because he has been single for awhile, and my Uncle is just awesome anyways. 

So that was my night. It was a nice relaxed dinner with family that I have not seen in a long time. 

Then after it was nice to go home and get all cozy in my boyfriend's sweater. I love that sweater....and him....But I guess until next time ha ha 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

An update..after what seems like forever...

Like the title feels like forever since I have written a post about what I have been up to. But what I have been up to is really nothing..until today...dun dun DUNNN!! begin with..I started off my day hanging out with one of my sister's old friends, Patricia. It was forever since I have seen her especially since she kind of just came back from her mission. Anyways she needed help with her costume. She was going to go as a 1920's flapper since her friend was dressing up as a 1920's mobster. 

She did not know what she wanted to look like a flapper so I tried to help her. I remembered from previous weeks that there was this perfecto flapper dress at Value Village when I went shopping with Ethan for his costume. But sadly that dress was gone..sad face..So she bought a feathered boa and some white gloves which most flappers use. So we had no luck but oh well. 

Later in the day I went over to my old highschool to hang out with da boyfriend..not like I had anything else to do. And let me tell you..I was a hit at that school. Everyone saw me there and flocked towards me like I was a stud or something...well babe..but still you get the point..
I talked to my friends Allysia, Ilona, Kayli, Natasha and many more. It was nice talking with them since I haven't seen some of them in awhile. But in actuality to be around Human interaction was amazing once again! (as you can tell life after high school has been kind of lonely) 

That lunch hour that I spent there was truly one of the best times in awhile that I have had.  

Later on that day....

I went downtown and went to the Bowman center to ask about volunteering and talking to Aaron was amazing. It made me feel good since he was so welcoming to volunteers. He said that I could help out in pretty much any class that I wanted which is great since I love it at the Bowman. The environment there is so great, and relaxing. Something to look forward to...FINALLY! So this makes me happy.

Further on later that day...

I went over to my Grandma's to go see my Uncle John and to meet his girlfriend Joanne. The only thing I have to say about my Uncle John is that he is so cool...he's so chillax and a totally awesome guy. His girlfriend was awesome too she was so nice and welcoming to anything you said. Not prejudice at all, or shy. It was great meeting her and having my Uncle there. It was a nice time to talk to them both. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Shopping day with mommy.

Today I went shopping with my mom, and it was needed as well for some mommy daughter bonding time. This week she had the week off and I barely saw her at all this week which is sad.

But anyways I took her out for lunch which was just at Taco time and we shared food like normal. Normally when we go out we share dishes since we don't need our own meals or sometimes we feel like two different things. 

After that I was determined to try to find an outfit for a date night with Ethan. Shopping for clothes makes me feel better anyways so it was fun trying to find clothes. Although some of the clothes didn't fit, I attempted to find a dress to buy but sadly this shopping trip was a miss. 

But luckily I found a top that I like a lot and it has black..which Ethan likes..But the things I do for that boy I tell ya.. 

But to look for dresses we went to Suzy Shier and then to Bryan's. I was thinking that for Ethan's grad I would just buy a dress from Bryan's since they have nice dresses..that don't break the bank.

But that was my day. Some good old retail therapy always makes my day better. 

Friday, October 12, 2012


I really enjoyed my day all day long. This morning I slept in for a bit and then worked on my Chemistry course for a bit. I am done the first lesson in the module..and this one has 4 I think. So I think I am on the right wasn't too hard yet but we shall see how I do in due time. 

After that I went to work and today I was on express again, and it was dead last night. So it was hard to think of things to do. But tonight I worked with this guy that I grew up with his older brother..small world eh?  But it was fun..we would race to push our buttons to guide people to our tills surprisingly since he was in the far corner he got quite a lot of customers.

But to find stuff to do to look busy was hard..I even resorted to a bit of stalking. I saw Ethan working in produce and stocking celery or something. But I just started to stare at him and watch him work..wishing I had work myself. But I thought to myself..oh how I love that boy..hes just so sweet. It really warmed my heart doing that...although it was kind of creepy haha but oh least I thought of him.

But the truth is that every time I see meat through my till I think of him since he works in the meat department, so when I see the meat I always wonder what he is doing at that moment. I really have no idea how he can stay busy at work...for me today it was near impossible. 

After work I went and talked to him, and he made fun of how I say produce, but haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate right? Its all the same thing ha ha. 

So here I am now, at 2 in the morning crocheting this blanket that I am working on. It is a really cool blanket and it is one of the first projects that I actually used instructions and a pattern for. It was my goal to read a crochet pattern for awhile, and thus far it is pretty good. The more I do the pattern the better it looks. So I guess I just need to have patience with patterns. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012 least a little bit..

I got registered for a chem 20 class today. It is through distance learning from Victoria Park high school. It was much more cheaper to do a high school course than to do upgrading from the college so I took advantage of that and got registered for chemistry 20. 

Otherwise if I had chosen to do it through upgrading I would have to take 2 courses instead of just the one. But it was really nice seeing people that I knew from Victoria Park again, like my old advisor Cory Jo (I think thats how you spell it) but she is purely amazing. She told me that she was so proud of me for graduating..since it was such a long road for me to get there ha ha.

Hopefully even after I am completed this course..I hope that I will still have contact with her because she is truly one of the most inspiring people that I have met, she encourages me to strive to do more than I think I can with my education. She was one of the voices in my head that would help me get through high school when times were rough. 

It truly is great having people in your life though to encourage you, inspire you and love you as a person and not as being just an advisee. 

After that was work and work was so boring. I was put on express again and this guy Ryan..(hes really from meats but he was picking up shifts) but he and I would race to push the button to tell the customer to go to which till, it was kind of fun doing that though ha ha. 

But it was so dead that my manager came over about 20 minutes before my shift ended and told me to shut off my light and to clean my till really good and to try to look busy until the end of my shift. It was so gruelling those last few 20 minutes was like time stopped but eventually my shift ended. 

All in day I had in a few days..yay.. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Date day

Today was just like a big giant date. Ethan and I made lunch at his house and hung out all day. 
The menu for lunch was:
Mushrooms & onions
Dragon fruit

It just all was very yummy. 

Then Ethan and I started to play a game since I suck at gaming so I thought I would try, it's called Dark Alliance and its easy as anything. Way easier than this bugs bunny game that Ethan gave me to try..that game was just outright hard..and irritating. But it was fun playing that video game with Ethan. 

Later on I finally got him to take pictures with me..because thats what couples do right? So I will post those down below. 

Have an awesome day! 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Thanksgiving...and meeting the parents (grandma)

Ethan and his family had thanksgiving dinner at my grandmas house tonight. Surprisingly it went better than I thought it would...since it was so early in my relationship with Ethan..yes it freaked me out for him to meet everyone in my family.

To recap: 

Seems like everyone liked each other. My grandma was quiet in the beginning but eventually she started talking and laughing with all of us. I am so blessed that everyone that I love gets along. I love Ethan's family and I love my family and there is nothing more that warms my heart than everyone getting along. I really did not want to be part of those families where they have the hated "mother-in-laws" or should we say "monster-in-laws" and so forth. 

But we all had a good time, we all laughed really hard with each other and enjoyed each others company. I think it truly was one of my favorite thanksgiving dinners that I have ever had but I sad that my sister was not there to enjoy it with us. But on thanksgiving she still will be in my heart, and I wish her the best thanksgiving as well.

I hope you all have a happy thanksgiving because I did..and I am so blessed and thankful for all of those that I love in my life and who love me.

p.s. (cannot wait for thanksgiving to be over though...tired of people buying turkeys at work ha ha) 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

my talent: sketching...

Lately I realized that I needed to improve on some of my talents..and I forgot one of my many talents was being a good sketch artist..
Back in February I did this huge drawing of my sister and I as children. I wanted to it as a present to my mom for her birthday, since it was her favourite picture of us as kids (its mine too)
Other than the pictures of my stages of madness though with my sister..haha I will upload those later maybe in a throwback thursday.

So I finally decided to upload photos of the sketch I did of my sister and I as per her request. Also I am going to show some progress on my current sketch. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Extra sleep? Extra inspiration?

Today I slept in peeps. Best feeling in the world since forever and a half. Although I did not sleep in as much as I would have liked, I still slept in enough to feel "Well rested." so yay me! 

But anyways today I just got groceries, and bought some yarn because Ethan and I were chatting last his truck..and he said I needed a hobby so I don't feel like a loser in life. 

And this hobby of mine that I knew I had but had forgotten about is I got some yarn and started crochetting away. I should put some photos of all the stuff that I have done on here sometime know have a blog post devoted to all my crochet crap. Once I am finished a few more things though.. 

So anyways while crocheting away a diaper cover (to match a hat I made for a tiny tot.)  I thought that I should make my blog Halloween inspired, since Halloween is my favorite holiday. What holiday can you go around knocking on people's doors asking for food...and not being called homeless? That's right people...never...ever...except on Halloween.

So I was thinking about what I could design my blog as, and I saw some photos of sugar skulls..which I love. I really forgot how much I loved sugar skulls so that gave me some inspiration to draw something. I began to draw a sugar skull girl, and I only have the eye almost done but I think it looks good. It is super realism..and Eli (guy from school) can kiss my butt for super realism because i think mine is pretty darn good. Not that I am cocky or anything..but I just think its good. 

So I included some photos of the little sketch and this pastel drawing that I did as well. 



Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Diaz Date

It was date night tonight! Ethan and I went out to this little restaurant that neither of us have gone to before. It is called was where the old Greek restaurant on 13th is, and let me tell you something...

The food is F$%^#ing amazing! We asked about the menu since it was written in like Cubanese.. or something. Anyways we did not know what some of the items on the menu were. But we got these appetizers, Ethan got these fry things called Yuca sticks and I got these chip things called Tostones.

Anyways the Yuca sticks is this deep fried root with Lemon seasonings and such and it tastes da bomb yo! Best things you ever had, it had this nice tang to it, and it is purely amazing. 

The Tostones, are deep fried plantains with a dill dressing and they are so good. It has the right combination of salty and sweet...when you take a bite it is like the clouds of heaven open up and your stomach is like woman I like I f#$%%ing LOVE you! 

For dessert we I had a cheesecake and Ethan had a apple pie. He said that the apple pie was one of the best he ever had, and the cheesecake is the best I ever had. It was not a cooked cheesecake it was kind of like the consistency of whipped cream, but daym Daym DAYM! (youtube reference) it was good! 

Then after Ethan and |I just chilled in his truck and had a nice little Chat! But it twas the perfect date and most amaza food ever! Seriously peeps go to Diaz best food ever! 

OOTN (outfit of the night)