Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Shopping day with mommy.

Today I went shopping with my mom, and it was needed as well for some mommy daughter bonding time. This week she had the week off and I barely saw her at all this week which is sad.

But anyways I took her out for lunch which was just at Taco time and we shared food like normal. Normally when we go out we share dishes since we don't need our own meals or sometimes we feel like two different things. 

After that I was determined to try to find an outfit for a date night with Ethan. Shopping for clothes makes me feel better anyways so it was fun trying to find clothes. Although some of the clothes didn't fit, I attempted to find a dress to buy but sadly this shopping trip was a miss. 

But luckily I found a top that I like a lot and it has black..which Ethan likes..But the things I do for that boy I tell ya.. 

But to look for dresses we went to Suzy Shier and then to Bryan's. I was thinking that for Ethan's grad I would just buy a dress from Bryan's since they have nice dresses..that don't break the bank.

But that was my day. Some good old retail therapy always makes my day better. 

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