Thursday, October 11, 2012 least a little bit..

I got registered for a chem 20 class today. It is through distance learning from Victoria Park high school. It was much more cheaper to do a high school course than to do upgrading from the college so I took advantage of that and got registered for chemistry 20. 

Otherwise if I had chosen to do it through upgrading I would have to take 2 courses instead of just the one. But it was really nice seeing people that I knew from Victoria Park again, like my old advisor Cory Jo (I think thats how you spell it) but she is purely amazing. She told me that she was so proud of me for graduating..since it was such a long road for me to get there ha ha.

Hopefully even after I am completed this course..I hope that I will still have contact with her because she is truly one of the most inspiring people that I have met, she encourages me to strive to do more than I think I can with my education. She was one of the voices in my head that would help me get through high school when times were rough. 

It truly is great having people in your life though to encourage you, inspire you and love you as a person and not as being just an advisee. 

After that was work and work was so boring. I was put on express again and this guy Ryan..(hes really from meats but he was picking up shifts) but he and I would race to push the button to tell the customer to go to which till, it was kind of fun doing that though ha ha. 

But it was so dead that my manager came over about 20 minutes before my shift ended and told me to shut off my light and to clean my till really good and to try to look busy until the end of my shift. It was so gruelling those last few 20 minutes was like time stopped but eventually my shift ended. 

All in day I had in a few days..yay.. 

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