Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Extra sleep? Extra inspiration?

Today I slept in peeps. Best feeling in the world since forever and a half. Although I did not sleep in as much as I would have liked, I still slept in enough to feel "Well rested." so yay me! 

But anyways today I just got groceries, and bought some yarn because Ethan and I were chatting last his truck..and he said I needed a hobby so I don't feel like a loser in life. 

And this hobby of mine that I knew I had but had forgotten about is I got some yarn and started crochetting away. I should put some photos of all the stuff that I have done on here sometime know have a blog post devoted to all my crochet crap. Once I am finished a few more things though.. 

So anyways while crocheting away a diaper cover (to match a hat I made for a tiny tot.)  I thought that I should make my blog Halloween inspired, since Halloween is my favorite holiday. What holiday can you go around knocking on people's doors asking for food...and not being called homeless? That's right people...never...ever...except on Halloween.

So I was thinking about what I could design my blog as, and I saw some photos of sugar skulls..which I love. I really forgot how much I loved sugar skulls so that gave me some inspiration to draw something. I began to draw a sugar skull girl, and I only have the eye almost done but I think it looks good. It is super realism..and Eli (guy from school) can kiss my butt for super realism because i think mine is pretty darn good. Not that I am cocky or anything..but I just think its good. 

So I included some photos of the little sketch and this pastel drawing that I did as well. 



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