Tuesday, October 23, 2012

An update..after what seems like forever...

Like the title says...it feels like forever since I have written a post about what I have been up to. But what I have been up to is really nothing..until today...dun dun DUNNN!! 

Firstly..to begin with..I started off my day hanging out with one of my sister's old friends, Patricia. It was forever since I have seen her especially since she kind of just came back from her mission. Anyways she needed help with her costume. She was going to go as a 1920's flapper since her friend was dressing up as a 1920's mobster. 

She did not know what she wanted to look like a flapper so I tried to help her. I remembered from previous weeks that there was this perfecto flapper dress at Value Village when I went shopping with Ethan for his costume. But sadly that dress was gone..sad face..So she bought a feathered boa and some white gloves which most flappers use. So we had no luck but oh well. 

Later in the day I went over to my old highschool to hang out with da boyfriend..not like I had anything else to do. And let me tell you..I was a hit at that school. Everyone saw me there and flocked towards me like I was a stud or something...well babe..but still you get the point..
I talked to my friends Allysia, Ilona, Kayli, Natasha and many more. It was nice talking with them since I haven't seen some of them in awhile. But in actuality to be around Human interaction was amazing once again! (as you can tell life after high school has been kind of lonely) 

That lunch hour that I spent there was truly one of the best times in awhile that I have had.  

Later on that day....

I went downtown and went to the Bowman center to ask about volunteering and talking to Aaron was amazing. It made me feel good since he was so welcoming to volunteers. He said that I could help out in pretty much any class that I wanted which is great since I love it at the Bowman. The environment there is so great, and relaxing. Something to look forward to...FINALLY! So this makes me happy.

Further on later that day...

I went over to my Grandma's to go see my Uncle John and to meet his girlfriend Joanne. The only thing I have to say about my Uncle John is that he is so cool...he's so chillax and a totally awesome guy. His girlfriend was awesome too she was so nice and welcoming to anything you said. Not prejudice at all, or shy. It was great meeting her and having my Uncle there. It was a nice time to talk to them both. 

1 comment:

  1. GUESS WHAT?!? My sister found a complete flapper outfit when she went shopping, so now I have a costume! :) haha! :D
