Friday, October 12, 2012


I really enjoyed my day all day long. This morning I slept in for a bit and then worked on my Chemistry course for a bit. I am done the first lesson in the module..and this one has 4 I think. So I think I am on the right wasn't too hard yet but we shall see how I do in due time. 

After that I went to work and today I was on express again, and it was dead last night. So it was hard to think of things to do. But tonight I worked with this guy that I grew up with his older brother..small world eh?  But it was fun..we would race to push our buttons to guide people to our tills surprisingly since he was in the far corner he got quite a lot of customers.

But to find stuff to do to look busy was hard..I even resorted to a bit of stalking. I saw Ethan working in produce and stocking celery or something. But I just started to stare at him and watch him work..wishing I had work myself. But I thought to myself..oh how I love that boy..hes just so sweet. It really warmed my heart doing that...although it was kind of creepy haha but oh least I thought of him.

But the truth is that every time I see meat through my till I think of him since he works in the meat department, so when I see the meat I always wonder what he is doing at that moment. I really have no idea how he can stay busy at work...for me today it was near impossible. 

After work I went and talked to him, and he made fun of how I say produce, but haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate right? Its all the same thing ha ha. 

So here I am now, at 2 in the morning crocheting this blanket that I am working on. It is a really cool blanket and it is one of the first projects that I actually used instructions and a pattern for. It was my goal to read a crochet pattern for awhile, and thus far it is pretty good. The more I do the pattern the better it looks. So I guess I just need to have patience with patterns. 

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