Friday, December 28, 2012


I hope that everyone had a very good Christmas just like I did! All I pretty much did was rest my body from 2 weeks of shift work..which was awesome! If I could I would switch permanently to the night shift, but school just won't let me..sad face.

saw hobbit with mom

Harry styles doll at work

christmas present
Anyways, on Christmas Mom and I just played Monopoly and guesstures...I had the game Guesstures forever but no one wanted to play it. Once mom finally understood the point of the game we had a lot of fun.

We created a video for my sister so that she wouldn't miss us as bad..I think it made us miss us more and it made me miss her more..

On boxing day, my Uncle Chris came to pick us up, but before then I went boxing day shopping..(you must think I was crazy...well I kinda was..I had no idea how busy it would be..and it sure was..) 

Anyways while going shopping I bought an xbox and then an 11 dollar dress at winners..super good deals and I bought a hello kitty wallet. 

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