Thursday, December 6, 2012

Park Meadows Christmas Party

So tonight was the Christmas party that was pointed out in the title up above haha.

Before the dinner my mom and I went to go look at this new liquidation store that used to be United Furniture Warehouse, behind the Safeways on the south side..and I have to say it was a cool store.. It gave me lots of craft ideas that I could do to give to people for christmas or for birthday's etc. 

They had the coolest watches too, they were all sparkly and pretty. My favorite was this one that had crocodiles on it, but the colours on the watches were gorgeous. I might just have to go back to that store and buy one for myself when I get sometime haha.

Later on my Grandmother's friend Grace Mary came to pick us up from the store to pick up my grandma to go to the Christmas party. While at the christmas party I really did not see that many people that I knew, I saw my old friend Ilona with her family, and Ali from 5th ward. But that was about it, but the program was good, the primary children were so cute. But the music was so was louder than a rock concert. Haha but still fun

P.S. They ran out of cranberry sauce after like 20 people (Exaggerated but still I got no cranberry sauce)..and everyone knows at a mormon event with a lot of buy like 60 cans of the stuff so that it can go around. But the food was good, all around just a good time.

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