Monday, December 10, 2012

Gifts and the Julie and Julia project

Hello all my Blogger readers! So the other night when Ethan's mom was driving me home..she was so sweet she brought over the presents that she was meaning to give my mom and I. 
She said that because Ethan and I broke up that he might not want me to have them, but she didn't care she gave them to me anyways. 

What she gave us was awesome anyways so I am glad she did. She is seriously one the best, most generous ladies I have ever met. She deserves the best things in the world for the things that she does for others. Did I mention she is super humble too? But to get to what she got us, anyways she got me a set of pillows..and nice ones at that! She also got me this adorable, dainty and perfect little tea cup. The detail on it is so intricate and the colours go really good together.

Then she got my mom a snowman blanket, some drink mix to put in apple cider and this adorable reindeer plate/cookie cutter that said "Deer friends" on it. I just think it was so sweet, in the time that I was dating Ethan, I think that she got to know me better than he got to know me himself. She knew exactly what to get us and it just made both my mom and I so happy..

Anyways this evening I tried a new recipe again.. I am trying to do this Julie & Julia thing where I don't try out recipes from one cookbook only but to try at least one new recipe a week, and I have to say the stuff that I have been trying have been amazing. I cannot believe I have not done this before..anyways this week it was Spicy Baked Sweet Potatoes.

Now people, lets get this was literally one of the best recipes I have ever tasted. The mix of the potatoes and spice mixed beautifully. It was like a dance of flavours in your mouth..truly a good recipe.

The recipe will be up on my other blog though so you can get the recipe.

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