Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Shift Work

So the past few nights I have been doing the shift work at Walmart since they are open 24 hours now. I have to say...best decision I made for the holidays. Yes, it an be hard on your body and it reallly throws your schedule off but it is so much fun at night..and the atmosphere is much more relaxed and not "rushed" like how it is during the day.

Anyways the last few nights I have been doing other things than doing my "cashier" duties. I actually left a till and went to help Louise with stock..and I have to say..I have a new respect for people that do overnight stock. It is a ton of work and to do it for 8 hours much feel gruelling. But by the end of my shift I could absolutely not stand the smell of chocolate or the thought of it..can you tell what I stocked? Ha Ha 

And tonight I covered in electronics. It was fun because I got a walkie talkie and got to listen in on some of their conversations. I think that everyone should have a walkie, it would be way easier to do things around but sometimes it is confusing because sometimes they just do not want to work.

I played on the Wii U a bit, and I think its fun, I played Rayman Legends it was Epic. I also watched a 3d television for awhile, and then I looked at the prices of everything in electronics. 

But anyways that was the first stretch of nights, my body is exhausted, I am exhausted, and I have not had this many energy drinks since grade 10. But that is what I have been up to lately pretty much, just working the nights and I like it..It will be weird to be stuck at my till again when I go back to normal hours. 

Anyways, until the next shift work begins! Adios! 

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