Friday, August 31, 2012

Beaning Anime-ted

So today I had the most chill day ever, I literally just stayed in bed all day. I finally realize how ridiculous and lame my life really is. Especially when I have no friends to hang out with. 

But mainly today I just tried to recreate this dish that Ethan's mom makes. She just uses onion powder and garlic powder onto beans. Anyways tried attempt turned into failure at food. The spices did not take to the beans like Ethan's mother makes it which is sad.

Later, I finally came out of my bed coma after my Ethan said he was at my door to come pick me up when I forgot that I had asked if I could go over to his house. So I got ready and went to his house. 

When I got to his house, his sister Erin was over for her visit at home since she no longer lives with Ethan and his mother. We had pizza and watched this movie called Princess Mononoke, it was directed by the same Director as spirited away.

My review of the movie is that I really actually liked it. When I saw the style of the movie which was anime I kind of moaned and groaned because I do not really like that type of genre. But I really did like the movie and the storyline to the movie was interesting. The illustrations and animation of the movie was really good and it was quite humorous.
So I give the movie 5 stars
The cute tree spirits..they are like bobble heads :)


Thursday, August 30, 2012

A burst of sunRay-Bans

Yo girl has gotten some new glasses..because thats right yo girl gotta see! After 6 long months of not seeing the sunlight, I can finally see now that the rain is gone! (Sure was a long rain shower wasn't it?) 

I went to lenscrafters and I wanted to just get new lenses put into my old D&G glasses, which took me forever to find the perfect pair of glasses. It was just cheaper to get new glasses altogether with this 50% off lenses with a new pair of frames. So sadly I needed to get new glasses...sad friggin face... 

So finding new glasses I knew was going to be hard to find again since it took me years to find the perfect glasses for my face. The glasses lady pointed out lots of pairs of glasses for me but I just shot them down no matter what because who knows what looks best on my face rather than me? When finding glasses you have to be very particular anyways. 

Anyways, I got a few pairs to try on...but the cool thing is that they this virtual mirror thingy where you can compare the different styles of glasses. Eventually it came down to a few pairs and I loved these pinkish burgundy ray bans. Yes people...ray bans. The craze for right now. Who would have known that I would follow into a trend? 

So after I chose my coolio new ray bans I had to wait an hour for them to get ready. I handed out a few resumes at the mall and chilled for awhile until I was able to go and get them. I talked to my friend Bennett that worked at Taco Time for awhile too, it was nice seeing her. 

In my hunger games shirt..

Then we walked around downtown, and I found these strange graffiti type things around the city. The first was at the Wilson middle school where they have this painted "I'm proud of you" thing on the pavement, anyways I saw another one on one of the buildings downtown. I wonder what it means hmmm? If anyone knows just tell me what it means pleaseee. 
My favourite pink sandals. They sparkle! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Paint a pot

(Ethan trying to screw up the picture I took of myself for my sister since my sister wanted a picture of me)
But after the interview I called up Ethan to paint some pots again. This time I painted a pot in one sitting. With this pot I wanted to try out how well putting details into a pot would work. I wonder how much the glazes will bleed when fired in the kiln. I hope not though. But it is always relaxing doing know painting and listening to music.

I just have a few more pots to paint..then I have no clue what I am going to do. Anyways stayed tuned for what I may do tomorrow. Hopefully I will finish cleaning my room and taking out all my garbage.

Monday, August 27, 2012

"Glazing" in the grass

Since I did not have work today, I decided to finish painting the pots that I had been talking about in previous posts. The colour of the pots will not be the same pastel colour that they are now, the paint that we used is a glaze, which is composed of silica. 
 Basically, the silica is just sand that has different oxides to make different colours. With glazes, when you fire them in a kiln, it will bring out the vibrancy of the colours. But why they use this kind of paint is because then you can be able to put water inside of the pot or possibly drink out of it without getting sick.

The paint also has interesting names as well. One of the names of the colours was Taber corn, which I thought was funny since the corn is so famous it got its own name ha ha. There are also other names too like saskatoon berry.

After we finished painting the pots, we decided to go look at a few of the galleries in the Bowman Art Centre. I mainly was interested in the gallery that had more sculptures since I had not been into 2d art ever since working on this sketch that I did of my sister and I.
"You get more interesting when you get older"

(My favourite)

rated R: Rest and Relaxation

After a days long work of really doing....nothing. It is nice to just kick back and relax. The most relaxing thing that I like to do is hang out with Ethan since he is so chill about everything. At his house recently, we had a bonfire and we roasted marshmallows. I just set mine on fire to see what would happen if you would not blow it out, and I learnt about different types of ways to build a fire. 

There is the pyramid way (most popular way) or the cabin house way. The cabin house way of making the fire made the fire a lot bigger and made it hotter as opposed to the pyramid way. But the pyramid way uses less firewood which is good too if you do not have a lot of fire wood. 
After that we went to the park like usual. But this time we went exploring for other parks. There are so many different parks on the North side though and I think it is crazy! No favourites yet, but I will stay tuned..maybe do a review of the parks that are around here, if ANYONE reads this blog at least! 

But try to stay tuned..anyone that is out there that is reading this blog at this exact moment...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Summing up the last few days....

Just to sum up the last few days I really have not been doing much other than working. But however, Ethan had a bonfire in his backyard which was fun. We tried to set things on fire like flowers, onions, etc. We just were really bored and started to light random crap on fire ha ha.

The other most exciting thing that has been going on right now is helping Ethan to paint his pots that he has made. He has a lot of pots that needed painting and I was happy to help paint them especially since the ones that I painted I could keep.

When we were painting pots one day though we went to the Market that is downtown and we went around to all the little kiosks. The only really cool kiosk that I saw was this Jewelry Kiosk that was called Bohemian Lily. This Jewelry Kiosk had really cool stuff, it had necklaces that had different pendants and such. It was kind of like a vintage Lolita type stuff. You know stuff that was feminine but had a harder edge to it. Such as a necklace with a rose pendant on it with some bullets etc.  Basically I think I just found my new Jewelry vendor! It is especially hard to find jewelry places where you like everything, and I not only like everything but I loved everything!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Jobs, Pretty in Pink, and chilling

After work that day I went over to my friends house Allysia's and we watched Pretty in Pink, I had never seen it before so it was interesting to watch. I hated how it ended! I think she wound up with the wrong guy! She ended up with the creepy-psycho-killer when I wanted her to end up with her coolio best friend! But oh well.

The next few days I have just been working and sleeping like I never have before. It is great having a job that tires me out, and from then on I have just been chilling, playing sims once in awhile...

But yeah....that is my life right now. Just thought to keep you up to date...whoever is out there...

Au Revoir! For now!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Henderson and Cheesecake

The day before yesterday I went to henderson pool since I actually wanted to swim and have a challenge with it, unlike westminister where it was not that deep. At henderson it was crazy bright outside, I could barely open my eyes when I was in the pool. We had some fries at the concession stand and then we had freezies. I love that at henderson they have the big freezies too and of course I had cherry.

neon toes
The next day my friend Kayla hit me up and wanted to go chat. She previously went to Quebec for this program where you could only speak french. She told me about her experiences there and a lot of her stories were really funny. I was surprised to see her hair colour as well because on her facebook, every time she had a new photo her hair was a different colour. When I saw her though I loved her hair colour it was this fushia pinkish purple colour which was b-e-a-utiful!

Anyways we just ordered desserts, I had a banana split cheesecake, which was divine. When I tasted the bananas I was like mm real bananas (since only being used to DQ splits where the bananas are frozen) It was the best thing ever and it was huuuge. It was really good though but pretty much that just sums up the last few days.

Until next time...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Interview, swimming and testing out recipes

I had an interview planned today from the Purdy's chocolate company that had asked me back for an interview..and I have to say it was nerve wrecking. They asked me questions that I never thought of before to think of, it took me awhile to think about it. I hope I get it but I am really unsure but still wish me luck! 

After that I went over to my friends house and it was just so hot so we decided to go swimming. We went to the Westminister pool. I had never been there, all my years of being on the North side and I still didn't go. It isn't as ghetto as people make it out to be and surprisingly it was not as busy as I thought it would be. 

Anyways Ethan and I just tried to balance on boogie boards in the deep end. I almost got balance but lost it..sadly. But at least I tried right? Going to the pool was just nice and I really liked the pool. A bit too small though and not deep enough but oh well. I can always just go to Stan Siwik during the year. 

After that I went to Ethan's to try out this recipe that I wanted to try for awhile. It was fettucini alfredo but instead of an alfredo sauce it had a avocado sauce. And let me tell you...oh me gosh it was amaza.. So freaking good. I am so happy that FINALLY a recipe worked out for me. 

After we just watched I am Legend since I never saw it and review. I liked it but the ending sucked. Really sucked. Point. Blank. 

Anyways, wish me luck still on the job! 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Finishing Wall-e, job hunting and haircuts

Today I finally finished my wall-e game on ps2 which is really exciting..but before that of course Ethan and I went job hunting again today. Luckily though I found some the Purdy's Chocolate store in the mall, the lady offered me an interview right on the spot. It is such a huge relief that I have at least an interview, now if I got the job it would be even better.

Ethan sadly though, was really discouraged about finding work. It is harder for him though because he is going back to school in the fall, while I have a lot more time on my hands having a semester off. So that was very unfortunate for him.

After receiving the offer for an interview I had a haircut. I tried a new place this time for a haircut. It was chatters in the mall and I liked it a lot. They were very good. The girl did the right length that I wanted and I thought it was cool how they have the washing stations right at the counter. Bennett came along and chatted with me while I had my haircut.

But all in all that was my thing about it was the wish me luck!

Friday, August 3, 2012


Tonight I babysat one of my mom's friends daughter. Her name is Zoe and she must be the cutest little girl ever. She is very well behaved (most of the time) and we had a lot of fun.

When I went to her house she was eating chinese, and she was just talking and eating it really slow. To make it easier to get her to eat faster I got some chinese food as well and then had an eating contest with her on who will eat it faster. I won..of course, but I got her to eat a lot faster than if I had not come up with that idea.

After that we watched Netflixs for awhile, and then decided to do Just Dance 3 on her wii. It was so much fun, and it was my first time playing the game and I have to say it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. There are not many instructions to the dances and the transitions were fast but it was fun doing that with Zoe.

Then after that we just played with some of her toys. The funniest toys of hers that I saw was a Mister. Rogers in your pocket. I thought it was hilarious, I pushed some of the buttons to see what he says and that grew up watching that wonder they are screwed up haha. He sounds so creepy and awkward asking these serious questions to little kids. But it was the best toy of hers that I saw.

Anyways it was fun babysitting her and I was lucky that I got a study guide for one of my classes for cheap, and reading the book I realize how helpful it will be so yay me!

Talk to you soon!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

August Goals

So this month I really have two big goals that I want to accomplish..I thought it was time to start getting into things again and motivated to do things.

The goals that I have for this month is
1. Get a Job
2. Workout everyday.

I already applied at a few places and plan to keep on applying at places so hopefully something works out. While with the working out I have discovered this new vlog channel on youtube. It is called Blogilates. Anyways I went onto the site and they have a workout plan for the whole month of August that I plan on doing. I think it is a great way to get back into the healthy lifestyle, since I was having so much difficulty getting back on track.
Work out schedule 
So wish me luck all!