Saturday, August 25, 2012

Summing up the last few days....

Just to sum up the last few days I really have not been doing much other than working. But however, Ethan had a bonfire in his backyard which was fun. We tried to set things on fire like flowers, onions, etc. We just were really bored and started to light random crap on fire ha ha.

The other most exciting thing that has been going on right now is helping Ethan to paint his pots that he has made. He has a lot of pots that needed painting and I was happy to help paint them especially since the ones that I painted I could keep.

When we were painting pots one day though we went to the Market that is downtown and we went around to all the little kiosks. The only really cool kiosk that I saw was this Jewelry Kiosk that was called Bohemian Lily. This Jewelry Kiosk had really cool stuff, it had necklaces that had different pendants and such. It was kind of like a vintage Lolita type stuff. You know stuff that was feminine but had a harder edge to it. Such as a necklace with a rose pendant on it with some bullets etc.  Basically I think I just found my new Jewelry vendor! It is especially hard to find jewelry places where you like everything, and I not only like everything but I loved everything!

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