Friday, August 31, 2012

Beaning Anime-ted

So today I had the most chill day ever, I literally just stayed in bed all day. I finally realize how ridiculous and lame my life really is. Especially when I have no friends to hang out with. 

But mainly today I just tried to recreate this dish that Ethan's mom makes. She just uses onion powder and garlic powder onto beans. Anyways tried attempt turned into failure at food. The spices did not take to the beans like Ethan's mother makes it which is sad.

Later, I finally came out of my bed coma after my Ethan said he was at my door to come pick me up when I forgot that I had asked if I could go over to his house. So I got ready and went to his house. 

When I got to his house, his sister Erin was over for her visit at home since she no longer lives with Ethan and his mother. We had pizza and watched this movie called Princess Mononoke, it was directed by the same Director as spirited away.

My review of the movie is that I really actually liked it. When I saw the style of the movie which was anime I kind of moaned and groaned because I do not really like that type of genre. But I really did like the movie and the storyline to the movie was interesting. The illustrations and animation of the movie was really good and it was quite humorous.
So I give the movie 5 stars
The cute tree spirits..they are like bobble heads :)


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