Friday, August 3, 2012


Tonight I babysat one of my mom's friends daughter. Her name is Zoe and she must be the cutest little girl ever. She is very well behaved (most of the time) and we had a lot of fun.

When I went to her house she was eating chinese, and she was just talking and eating it really slow. To make it easier to get her to eat faster I got some chinese food as well and then had an eating contest with her on who will eat it faster. I won..of course, but I got her to eat a lot faster than if I had not come up with that idea.

After that we watched Netflixs for awhile, and then decided to do Just Dance 3 on her wii. It was so much fun, and it was my first time playing the game and I have to say it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. There are not many instructions to the dances and the transitions were fast but it was fun doing that with Zoe.

Then after that we just played with some of her toys. The funniest toys of hers that I saw was a Mister. Rogers in your pocket. I thought it was hilarious, I pushed some of the buttons to see what he says and that grew up watching that wonder they are screwed up haha. He sounds so creepy and awkward asking these serious questions to little kids. But it was the best toy of hers that I saw.

Anyways it was fun babysitting her and I was lucky that I got a study guide for one of my classes for cheap, and reading the book I realize how helpful it will be so yay me!

Talk to you soon!

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