Monday, August 27, 2012

rated R: Rest and Relaxation

After a days long work of really doing....nothing. It is nice to just kick back and relax. The most relaxing thing that I like to do is hang out with Ethan since he is so chill about everything. At his house recently, we had a bonfire and we roasted marshmallows. I just set mine on fire to see what would happen if you would not blow it out, and I learnt about different types of ways to build a fire. 

There is the pyramid way (most popular way) or the cabin house way. The cabin house way of making the fire made the fire a lot bigger and made it hotter as opposed to the pyramid way. But the pyramid way uses less firewood which is good too if you do not have a lot of fire wood. 
After that we went to the park like usual. But this time we went exploring for other parks. There are so many different parks on the North side though and I think it is crazy! No favourites yet, but I will stay tuned..maybe do a review of the parks that are around here, if ANYONE reads this blog at least! 

But try to stay tuned..anyone that is out there that is reading this blog at this exact moment...

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