Thursday, September 27, 2012 a working girl...and a happy one...

A miraculous miracle happened today! This morning I woke up and I actually felt better! I have not felt this great in awhile so its great! So I went to work, and I have to say work was awesome as well. 

The people that I trained with were really awesome as well. One girl that I work with she goes to Winston now, so we had stuff to talk about, which was good. Anyways, we talked about that and we hit it off pretty good her name was Charmine, I think...

But anyways we got to talking about our boyfriends, and she got to meet Ethan since he was going home. Since Ethan goes to Winston as well I told her she could go see him at school and to talk to him because she is new (and I understand what it is like to be new). So thats good for her to have someone to talk to at school. 

Anyways my shift was good, I was happy coming off of my shift which is all that matters. When I got off work as well, Ethan got his mom to drive me home. I was excited for him to drive me home too because I cannot lie I kind of missed him, because I was expecting for him to get off work at 10 like me but instead he got off at 8. So I still wanted to talk to him, and was looking forward to it. So I was happy to get my good night kiss :) 

Also, tonight I got to watch Greys Anatomy. Do you know how long I have been waiting for this season? There was the biggest cliff hanger with the air plane crash, it was nearly driving me loco! 
But I am so sad..
Warning! Spoiler alert!

Mark dies! Sad face! and the little red head gets her job back, after not being certified for being a doctor! and I thought that Arizona died...but she just got her leg amputated by her wife! OMG intense!
Its all cray cray right?!?! 

But that was my awesome day! Loving work and loving the new seasons of shows I love.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sick days: Episode 3: Groceries!!!..and still having no life...

Still having no life pretty much. Just relaxed today, I slept in until 11 which was a good thing. Later at night mom came home and we went out for groceries, we got the monthly prescriptions and then headed off to wally's world (walmart) for some groceries, since I get a 10% discount for working there..oh yeahhh...

But we got groceries, when walking around the store I talked to this girl that was in orientation along with me. She is the nicest lady in the whole world, she is just coming back to work from having her last child. She is in produce and she just makes me smile, she always seems to have a smile on her face (which helps when you are feeling down). 

Later on, I saw Ethan (since he worked) and we chatted for a bit, he is sick and tired of turkey's (I don't blame he works in the meat department)

But man, when my mom and I are sick we should not shop. We were wondering around the store grabbing random crap. I had a grocery list,  but I barely got anything off of the grocery list. Everything on the list just seemed like crap to me once I actually thought of it, so I just got whatever I felt like at the time. Mom did the same, she just got whatever. 

It's interesting though because my mom said that she could not remember being at the level of sick that she is at now since she was pregnant with me. That is a loooonnnnggg time folks. Growing up I never remembered her ever having a throat cold, or congestion. But in my 19th year of life I get to experience her being as sick as anything. Its horrid listening to, the wheezing, and the coughs when she laughs. It makes me want to be serious and not make her laugh at all, just so that she won't cough and choke. 

But we prayed that we BOTH will get better. At least later on (and now) I feel better.

Hopefully tomorrow though I will feel better so that I can go to work..and stay there all day. I missed to much work already, and I haven't even worked there a month yet. 

Sick days: Episode 2: bored....

My days are getting more and more boring now. With reading my sister's blog I kind of realize how boring my life has got..sad face. But yesterday at least I hung out with Ethan.

I was going to be around the school anyways to pick up antibiotics, so I went and saw him. I brought him an arizona because he loves them so much, but they didn't have the green tea kind that he likes. But it was good going back to the school because I got to see his new project he is working on, and I think it will look pretty in the end.

Also, I was beginning to feel a little better as well. I actually got up and did my hair. You could tell just by me doing my hair that I felt better since I did not do my hair for 3 days, and I think that is the longest I have gone without doing my hair in a very long time.

A little OOTD (outfit of the day)
When Ethan got back to his house though, he had to level up on WOW so it was sad. I just read the book that I brought that my mom got me from her work. Its called Shopaholic ties the knot. I know a classic cheesy romance book..but I love the author. Her writing is hilarious, and if a book can make me laugh out loud then its a good thing (well if any book can make me feel an emotion out loud). 

But when he took a break from playing wow, he came and watched a movie with me. It was Confessions of a Shopaholic, quite simply the biggest "girl" movie I know, but I love the film. It always makes me laugh when I see the movie, it just brings joy to my life. So I was surprised that he watched it with me and laughed along with it..most guys wouldn't right? So it looks like I have a good catch...

 But yeah that was my day yesterday. Today I am back to feeling like crap (yay..not). Hopefully I will be better by tomorrow though because I pray that I get better.

Toodles for now!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sick days: Episode 1

I was so sick today. I woke up today and thought that I could go to work especially since I went home from work the day before,but thats not how it went. I called in sick and I felt so bad to call in sick! Worse was that later Ethan told me that 9 cashiers called in sick today so the CSM's were pissed...It made me feel even worse about taking another day off, but I knew I needed it. I would have collapsed at work.

But I was wobbly, couldn't really stand straight and I had the sweats/chills/fever/everything that involves being sick. I truly have not felt this crappy in a whole year, so its horrid feeling sick again. Luckily I got medication to subside some side effects of the illness, it sort of helped and just relaxing MAJORLY helps. 

But anyways, this is how my day went. 

I watched a lot of movies and shows today. 

Movie #1

I LOVED this movie, it was adorbs-able! Woody Allen in this movie was highlarious. Completely highlarious actually. I laughed so hard at just the things that he said. Scarlett Johanson did a good job too, normally I don't like her work that much but she was good in this film. 
I would give it 5 stars. 

Movie #2

I already loved this movie before, it has a different vibe to the movie than any other movie that I watched. It is a cute love story but is kind of twisted at the same time. Kind of like Juno, but with affairs and such. But I just love how the ending of this movie is, it is super cute and how they exaggerate a lot of the scenes. 
I would give this movie 4 stars 

Then lastly, the shows that I watched. 
The only shows that I remember watching today was Glee, and sadly to say I still do not like the show. But I loved the Britney 2.0 songs, the remixes and covers of the songs were really good. I think that the covers are better than the original Britney Spears covers that they did before. 

Also, I loved Kate Hudson in the show. She played this very vixen-y character which I think suits her well. She was very good in the dance numbers but I do not know what to think about her voice yet. 

The thing that I hate most about the show though is that the performances on the show seem way too lip-synched for the actual show. Since they show them dancing around and singing, then after they are huffing and puffing~well they would huff and puff during the numbers too. 

That was my day folks, but it was so nice to chill and relax and try to get better. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

I feel so special...

My guy is so good to makes me feel so special. So today at work, I really felt like crap and I needed a lunch so he went and got me a lunch. I had requested something with vegetables a random sandwhich, you know the usual. But he surprised me and got me an ice cap from timmy's. 

It just made my heart melt, and when I went home sick from work (body exhaustion) doing too much lately. He made sure that I was ok, and came over even though he felt like crap as well (and he really did he could hardly walk OR stand...poor guy..) 

And he specifically made time to come over to my house today, since I was missing home.
I was spending a lot of time over at his house and with his family, so it was nice to hang out with him and my mom. It was actually quite a nice time having to hang out with Ethan and my mom at the same time because I want for everyone to get along and not fight at all or have it being awkward.  Also, he got a free meal out of it since I made him supper but he liked it so thats good at least ha ha, I just made some homemade pasta sauce with some spaghetti. 
As well, I talked to my sister on the phone and we all went on speaker so I could talk to her boyfriend and she could talk to mine so that they could sort of "meet" I suppose. But it was a good time, I had a fun time laughing and talking with my sister. 

Seriously though I have never had this great of a relationship with my sister in a long long time. I am grateful that we are getting along again and being closer than ever before. 

But anyways that was my day I suppose, I just thought that I would mention that it was just a day full of heart melting, my heart just feels like a fondue right now because of it. 

I am just so grateful for the loving people in my life and love days like this that help me remember that. I hope you all have people that make you feel this way. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

A series of unplanned events..not unfortunate.

Today was just a whole bunch of fun that unexpectedly fell onto my lap. That is right people..I did not plan on any of it...Chyea. Normally when I write something on this blog I plan what I am going to do. Well today was a "whatever" day as in lets see where the colours of the wind takes me...
The wind took me to back to high school.
My boyfriend called me to come to the school to see his work before it got "trampled" on. It made me question what the heck his artwork was going to be, so I just got up to see what it was. And to my surprise it was streetart with chalk. But this was cool chalk drawings, they were actually good. I quite enjoyed going around and looking at all the different designs that were on the concrete.

Da u see the metre stick that is by the red pole to the left of the picture..yeah thats the scale the picture was. He just had to be the kid with the biggest drawing. 

My feet after...

Then afterwards was family night with Ethan's family. We went to Osho's which I never went to before. When I told them I had never gone before they were shocked. Anyways the food there was ok, it was very seafoody..which I really do not like. I do not care how many times people say it but I do not like seafood and I never will.
But afterwards we just went back and we watched a part of this movie called the intruders. I could not believe it because Ethan actually got freaked out by the movie. I didn't think it was scary or "freaky" in the least bit.

Thennnn even after that I went to my friend Jenna's birthday party. She turned 18, so she had a little party. We just went to the movie mill and we did some mini golfing. You know, mini golfing is so much harder to play when you get older, I was so good at it as a child. I do not know what happened to my mad Tiger Woods skills that I had achieved when I was a child.

Then afterwards we went to the movie Premium Rush, I liked that movie as well but it got very repetitive, it was like scene. It had a good few funny parts though, which I can give some points to.
I would say it would be 3 out of 5 stars

But yeah that was my day. The day that I chose to do nothing is the day I did everything at once in one bloody day, isn't that just cray cray or what?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Working 9 to 5...well 10 to 6 haha but still.

Now that I am back to working, I have that good old Dolly Parton song stuck in my mind..
Working 9 to 5
What a way to make a livin
Barely gettin by
It's all takin'
and no givin'
They just use your mind
and they never give you credit
It's enough to drive you 
crazy if you let it! (which I would) 

Back to my blog post...ha ha 
Today I pretty much ran to poor muscles..ahh..but I got there just in the knick of time. I went on to do CBL's right away, which in Wally's World language means computer based learning. I did fine on most of the modules minus the sexual harassment one. I failed that darn module 2 times, I thought I would never pass it. 
Ha ha I was so worried that if they found out that I was struggling with passing just that module that I was some kind of creeper/pedophile that will sexually harass people. 

But after the Computer based learning I went and job shadowed a lady. Her name was Joyce and I have to say that she really is pushy for the Walmart Rewards mastercard. She was tired as heck and still kept on pushing the darn credit card. I guess I should take some tips and pointers from her about it. But she was a good lady, she was really nice and she thought I was smart (which is always a good thing) 

Anyways to get to the most exciting part of the day. I saw one of the coworkers silly string another co worker. Since it was her last day of work, I guess it did not matter whether or not she did that. I guess I would do the same thin if it were my last day of work, but it sure was entertaining to watch. It was very humorous. 

But that was my work day pretty much. I hope work can be exciting always as it was today. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Yes its after much speculation over the summer. Ethan and I are dating, like everyone predicted..but now we really are.
On September 10 we went on our first date. Well my first real date date. It was a lot of fun. But yeah that is about it, and I guess that is our anniversary too.
On our date we went to Mocha Cabanas, and we were supposed to go wine tasting. But it got cancelled due to the cray cray wind. Anyways, we went anyways to Mocha cabanas...looove that place.

It was so cute though because it was my first official date as well as his and we fed each other and enjoyed each other's companies. Like the movies almost..we were just missing the accordion player and the spaghetti kiss. But it was a perfect date with a cherry on top!

Afterwards we went for a walk, even in the cray cray wind and we just waited in his bank until we could get a ride again. It was fun just waiting in the bank though, all the excitement from the date was fun.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Forever Ronery : Episode one: Adventure!

Today was just all sorts of cray cray-z-ness. This morning when I was walking Britany to school, this stupid mother would not stop. We were in the friggin middle of the road! Dumb butt b**** should have stopped right! and it was at a cross walk! Oh the outrage! oh the terror!...enough enough...I need to calm down..I really do..but it happened again downtown! now drivers if you are reading this...slow the f f f down! I still have a life to live thank you very much! I would not like to die before my age ripens and its too late! I am chill...I swear I am...I went downtown after dropping Britany off halfway to school. Now way in heck was I going to drop her off all the way to school. Today I was thinking I kind of missed high school then I saw the traffic and I was thinking..nevermind. I am glad its over.

But anyways...downtown..I went to the Galt Mueseum because I was bored, and man did I ever not realize that I am terrified of taxidermified animals! I was scared that the buffalo was going to turn real, and kill me! I know I got some crazy irrational fears...but it could happen. Example 1...Night at the mueseum. It could legit could.

Afterwards I just took some random pictures. I brought out my inner photographer and tried to take some "professional/cool" photographs. I don't know you be the judge on whether they do or not.
Afterwards, I went over to Ethan's house and we had a movie night. We watched this movie called Limitless

Quick movie review:
I give it a rotten tomatoes score of 5 stars
I loved the movie it had funny parts and intense parts. Best way to describe it in my opinion.

Anyways until tomorrow!

P.s. I got a chi tea from edible elegance..seriously people need to go get those they are amaza!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Girl date!

Today was my girl day with Britany. It was fun, I picked her up from school and we went back to my house. I bought junk food and all that junk since it was a girly day. We had skittles, rice crisps, brownies, strawberries, snickers etc. All that junk that girls like to eat. 

Anyways after that we tried to learn how to do the gangnam style that psy does on youtube, and I have to say it is a lot harder than it looks haha. But it was fun doing it with Britany, we did not fully grasp the whole concept of the dance but we were close. 

We also tried to learn the running man too, and I am soooo close to perfecting my running man. In no time I will be not only walking down the sidewalk but doing the running man down the sidewalk too. 

Anyways thats all we did for our little girl date. It was fun especially since I haven't had time with her in awhile! I love her a lot! a lot! a lot! 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Funday: mom edition

Today was my mom and my day. I really really really missed hanging out with my mom. Since my life has been kind of hectic in my life lately, I have not really been home. So I missed just talking and chilling just with my mom. She was always like a best friend to me so it aches me to not hang out with her at least sometimes. 

She also was not feeling well also, I feel so bad when she doesn't feel well. So we made some cards, she enjoys doing this a lot. She watches tutorials on youtube for card ideas, which I think is cute because my mom just discovered the "youtube" and all its glory ha ha. I made some cards along with her since I had gotten some craft stuff from this big bag of stuff from Michaels that was only 2 dollars. 

We then decided to go onto Photobooth of my computer and we had some fun. I was happy that taking the pictures made her laugh at least. There is no greater sound in life than my mother's laugh it just brings such joy to my heart, because not only does she laugh but she laughs like she will never laugh again. Through her doing that it just makes me laugh even more with her ha ha. 

That pretty much summed up my Sunday funday with my momma bear. I love her so much! Shes the best! Love you mama! 

Friday, September 14, 2012

I simply remember my favourite things...

In times in life when things are not going so hot I always think about the things in life that I love, or my favourite things. 
Although My favourite things in life may not be raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm mittens, or brown paper packages tied up with strings but these are a few of my favourite things. 

One of my favourite things is cupcakes..specifically my scentsy warmer. My cousin Tracey gave it to me as a graduation present...People I am telling you..I could never be more in love with this thing than anything. 
In general in my eyes I see cupcakes as girly and feminine and to decorate them is a real art. Also it beats cake by just enough instead of a whole piece of cake. 
Which brings me to my next favourite with the scentsy.

I love scents. When I smell something it normally brings back memories of some kind, it is how I remember things I guess. Anyways I never figured it out until my mom got me a candle warmer for christmas one year, and she said that I was a scent person. I was always talking about how certain scents would remind me of things. 

Since then I still have loved scents, I got into the candle warmer's, the scents and then I got into perfumes. My favourite perfume is Britney's Spears circus fantasy perfume. It smells like oranges or grapefruit. I think it is a light scent and it makes me feel vibrant and confident. I know such a small scent does this much to me. 

P.S. favourite scentsy scent is happy birthday...(it smells like fresh cupcakes yummy!) 

Nail Polish.
 I know that this item is a very simple luxury to have, but when I worked at Dollarama and I wanted to feel pretty I would buy nail polish. Nail polish is just a cheap way that made me feel good especially when I was not as comfortable with my body as I am now..I am still not that comfortable with my body but I am way more now than before. It kind of was the beginning of my life into liking girly things and wanting to look good for myself.

It kind of is funny how such a small simple thing can just change your life but for me it really did. It really opened my horizons into liking girly things and looking good for myself.

This is one of my greatest lovers of life. I love learning new recipes and blending different flavours to create a unique and interesting dish. I love cooking and especially when you disguise healthy food to taste good, since growing up healthy food meant it was nasty as sin.

I even created another blog on here as well that was strictly just for recipes. The hard thing about trying recipes though is having the money to go and buy the ingredients. If I were a millionaire I would buy the best ingredients in the world over anything else to try and create recipes. I just love cooking, I love when people eat my food and exclaim that they love how it tastes. It is a good feeling.
my recipe blog
Also I grew up on either Bland or Burnt food. I have acquired the taste for burnt cookies over anything else due to my mother (sorry mom if you are reading this). But my grandma was always an amazing cook, even though she cooked with onions which I hated at the time. Now I realize how amazing her food was especially now that she does not cook that much anymore.

I really wish that she had taught me her recipes and the techniques. She also decorated amazing cakes, she made these cakes look amazing she made one cake look exactly like a basket. I like that she does the old fashioned way of decorating cakes instead of being lazy and using a fondant to decorate cakes.

But mainly for right now those are my current favs/loves/really loves. These things make me happy when I feel the worst and they always will.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The weekend

Seriously the last few days have been cray much has happened and so hard to explain.
On thursday I went to the park with Ethan and we found these tags that were similar to the ones that I had seen before, you know the ones that said "Im proud of you" Well they added more to it as well.

I think it is an interesting kind of tag and personally I like to see it around the makes me smile inside slightly.
Friday: Went over to Ethan's he bought some Champagne and some Coolers since he wanted try out some booze again. I was just chaperoning to make sure that he didn't do anything stupid. He also tried some whiskey as well, and that stuff must have been strong it was like 40% alcohol. But he got pissed drunk and it was kind of amusing to watch.
Also I tried to look pretty and I think I accomplished it.
I think thats it for now...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Oprah shopping network

This day. Being today. Was just fab. Period. This morning I went to the chiropractor and I was so proud of my back! It held the adjustment that I had gotten the day before from the chiropractor. I was just so proud, because yesterday everything was out alignment. Like did you know that your skull could be out of alignment? Well both sides of my skull was. That crap is just cray cray yo. 

To get on with the day though. I met my friend Britany at the school since she isn't graduated. She is in grade 11...and yes I still can't just let go of those grade 11ers yet. But oh well she is amaza, and hella sweet. 

It was so awkward to be at the school though, everyone was glaring at me like why is she here? Did she not graduate? WTF? It was just weird being there. 

But anyways Britany and I went shopping I got almost like a mini wardrobe and all under 100 dollars, which I thought was pretty decent, and not only did I buy some shirts but I actually bought some skirts. They are the body con skirts, but since I am way short they look about knee length for me when on normal people it would be a mini skirt. 

Afterwards, Britany came over to my house and we did some observations on some specified people that shall not be disclosed to the public. It is of utmost importance that it shall be top secret information. Those interested..will never get the info. Haha anyways Britany also interviewed me for her social assignment since I guess I am in the box that is numbered 20-30 just makes me cringe. 

But she did the interview fun, she made it seem like we were on a gameshow or on Oprah and answered my questions. Haha she is just awesome that way, even at the end of the interview when she said cut she was like "get off my stage." You know typical talk show host ha ha. 

Anyways, more blog posts to come like always...when do I ever not blog anyways? 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to school (not me)..and pots

Yesterday was one of the weirdest days I have ever experienced. To get one thing straight it was the first day of school for everyone in high school and younger. We walked Britney to school since she slept over at my house and we wanted to hang out with her up until the point of school. After that Bennett and I just relaxed for awhile, I called her work and tried to schedule an appointment for an interview since they have called me back. 

Anyways so we went to the mall and it was just weird from there. I saw literally everyone I know at the mall or were in the downtown area. Kayla Morin was there, a few others that I didn't say hi to and Ethan was at King of Trade. 

It was really awkward talking to a few of my friends especially since some of them would complain about my other friends. You know in situations like those...I never know what to say or what to do. Sometimes I wish the world would just get over their s*** and grow up. But oh well. 

After that I went to meet up with Ethan at King of Trade and we went to go pick up the pots at the Bowman since they were fired in the Kiln and one of the pots turned out the way I had hoped but the other not so much. Anyways its fun having two new pots that I have decorated, and since its glaze I can put water in it so I could use them for a punch bowl. I dunno.
The pot that I liked

The pot that I wished had turned out differently 

Anyways..stay tuned for more adventures to come.