Saturday, September 22, 2012

I feel so special...

My guy is so good to makes me feel so special. So today at work, I really felt like crap and I needed a lunch so he went and got me a lunch. I had requested something with vegetables a random sandwhich, you know the usual. But he surprised me and got me an ice cap from timmy's. 

It just made my heart melt, and when I went home sick from work (body exhaustion) doing too much lately. He made sure that I was ok, and came over even though he felt like crap as well (and he really did he could hardly walk OR stand...poor guy..) 

And he specifically made time to come over to my house today, since I was missing home.
I was spending a lot of time over at his house and with his family, so it was nice to hang out with him and my mom. It was actually quite a nice time having to hang out with Ethan and my mom at the same time because I want for everyone to get along and not fight at all or have it being awkward.  Also, he got a free meal out of it since I made him supper but he liked it so thats good at least ha ha, I just made some homemade pasta sauce with some spaghetti. 
As well, I talked to my sister on the phone and we all went on speaker so I could talk to her boyfriend and she could talk to mine so that they could sort of "meet" I suppose. But it was a good time, I had a fun time laughing and talking with my sister. 

Seriously though I have never had this great of a relationship with my sister in a long long time. I am grateful that we are getting along again and being closer than ever before. 

But anyways that was my day I suppose, I just thought that I would mention that it was just a day full of heart melting, my heart just feels like a fondue right now because of it. 

I am just so grateful for the loving people in my life and love days like this that help me remember that. I hope you all have people that make you feel this way. 

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