Friday, September 14, 2012

I simply remember my favourite things...

In times in life when things are not going so hot I always think about the things in life that I love, or my favourite things. 
Although My favourite things in life may not be raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm mittens, or brown paper packages tied up with strings but these are a few of my favourite things. 

One of my favourite things is cupcakes..specifically my scentsy warmer. My cousin Tracey gave it to me as a graduation present...People I am telling you..I could never be more in love with this thing than anything. 
In general in my eyes I see cupcakes as girly and feminine and to decorate them is a real art. Also it beats cake by just enough instead of a whole piece of cake. 
Which brings me to my next favourite with the scentsy.

I love scents. When I smell something it normally brings back memories of some kind, it is how I remember things I guess. Anyways I never figured it out until my mom got me a candle warmer for christmas one year, and she said that I was a scent person. I was always talking about how certain scents would remind me of things. 

Since then I still have loved scents, I got into the candle warmer's, the scents and then I got into perfumes. My favourite perfume is Britney's Spears circus fantasy perfume. It smells like oranges or grapefruit. I think it is a light scent and it makes me feel vibrant and confident. I know such a small scent does this much to me. 

P.S. favourite scentsy scent is happy birthday...(it smells like fresh cupcakes yummy!) 

Nail Polish.
 I know that this item is a very simple luxury to have, but when I worked at Dollarama and I wanted to feel pretty I would buy nail polish. Nail polish is just a cheap way that made me feel good especially when I was not as comfortable with my body as I am now..I am still not that comfortable with my body but I am way more now than before. It kind of was the beginning of my life into liking girly things and wanting to look good for myself.

It kind of is funny how such a small simple thing can just change your life but for me it really did. It really opened my horizons into liking girly things and looking good for myself.

This is one of my greatest lovers of life. I love learning new recipes and blending different flavours to create a unique and interesting dish. I love cooking and especially when you disguise healthy food to taste good, since growing up healthy food meant it was nasty as sin.

I even created another blog on here as well that was strictly just for recipes. The hard thing about trying recipes though is having the money to go and buy the ingredients. If I were a millionaire I would buy the best ingredients in the world over anything else to try and create recipes. I just love cooking, I love when people eat my food and exclaim that they love how it tastes. It is a good feeling.
my recipe blog
Also I grew up on either Bland or Burnt food. I have acquired the taste for burnt cookies over anything else due to my mother (sorry mom if you are reading this). But my grandma was always an amazing cook, even though she cooked with onions which I hated at the time. Now I realize how amazing her food was especially now that she does not cook that much anymore.

I really wish that she had taught me her recipes and the techniques. She also decorated amazing cakes, she made these cakes look amazing she made one cake look exactly like a basket. I like that she does the old fashioned way of decorating cakes instead of being lazy and using a fondant to decorate cakes.

But mainly for right now those are my current favs/loves/really loves. These things make me happy when I feel the worst and they always will.

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