Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sick days: Episode 3: Groceries!!!..and still having no life...

Still having no life pretty much. Just relaxed today, I slept in until 11 which was a good thing. Later at night mom came home and we went out for groceries, we got the monthly prescriptions and then headed off to wally's world (walmart) for some groceries, since I get a 10% discount for working there..oh yeahhh...

But we got groceries, when walking around the store I talked to this girl that was in orientation along with me. She is the nicest lady in the whole world, she is just coming back to work from having her last child. She is in produce and she just makes me smile, she always seems to have a smile on her face (which helps when you are feeling down). 

Later on, I saw Ethan (since he worked) and we chatted for a bit, he is sick and tired of turkey's (I don't blame he works in the meat department)

But man, when my mom and I are sick we should not shop. We were wondering around the store grabbing random crap. I had a grocery list,  but I barely got anything off of the grocery list. Everything on the list just seemed like crap to me once I actually thought of it, so I just got whatever I felt like at the time. Mom did the same, she just got whatever. 

It's interesting though because my mom said that she could not remember being at the level of sick that she is at now since she was pregnant with me. That is a loooonnnnggg time folks. Growing up I never remembered her ever having a throat cold, or congestion. But in my 19th year of life I get to experience her being as sick as anything. Its horrid listening to, the wheezing, and the coughs when she laughs. It makes me want to be serious and not make her laugh at all, just so that she won't cough and choke. 

But we prayed that we BOTH will get better. At least later on (and now) I feel better.

Hopefully tomorrow though I will feel better so that I can go to work..and stay there all day. I missed to much work already, and I haven't even worked there a month yet. 

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