Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sick days: Episode 1

I was so sick today. I woke up today and thought that I could go to work especially since I went home from work the day before,but thats not how it went. I called in sick and I felt so bad to call in sick! Worse was that later Ethan told me that 9 cashiers called in sick today so the CSM's were pissed...It made me feel even worse about taking another day off, but I knew I needed it. I would have collapsed at work.

But I was wobbly, couldn't really stand straight and I had the sweats/chills/fever/everything that involves being sick. I truly have not felt this crappy in a whole year, so its horrid feeling sick again. Luckily I got medication to subside some side effects of the illness, it sort of helped and just relaxing MAJORLY helps. 

But anyways, this is how my day went. 

I watched a lot of movies and shows today. 

Movie #1

I LOVED this movie, it was adorbs-able! Woody Allen in this movie was highlarious. Completely highlarious actually. I laughed so hard at just the things that he said. Scarlett Johanson did a good job too, normally I don't like her work that much but she was good in this film. 
I would give it 5 stars. 

Movie #2

I already loved this movie before, it has a different vibe to the movie than any other movie that I watched. It is a cute love story but is kind of twisted at the same time. Kind of like Juno, but with affairs and such. But I just love how the ending of this movie is, it is super cute and how they exaggerate a lot of the scenes. 
I would give this movie 4 stars 

Then lastly, the shows that I watched. 
The only shows that I remember watching today was Glee, and sadly to say I still do not like the show. But I loved the Britney 2.0 songs, the remixes and covers of the songs were really good. I think that the covers are better than the original Britney Spears covers that they did before. 

Also, I loved Kate Hudson in the show. She played this very vixen-y character which I think suits her well. She was very good in the dance numbers but I do not know what to think about her voice yet. 

The thing that I hate most about the show though is that the performances on the show seem way too lip-synched for the actual show. Since they show them dancing around and singing, then after they are huffing and puffing~well they would huff and puff during the numbers too. 

That was my day folks, but it was so nice to chill and relax and try to get better. 

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