Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Oprah shopping network

This day. Being today. Was just fab. Period. This morning I went to the chiropractor and I was so proud of my back! It held the adjustment that I had gotten the day before from the chiropractor. I was just so proud, because yesterday everything was out alignment. Like did you know that your skull could be out of alignment? Well both sides of my skull was. That crap is just cray cray yo. 

To get on with the day though. I met my friend Britany at the school since she isn't graduated. She is in grade 11...and yes I still can't just let go of those grade 11ers yet. But oh well she is amaza, and hella sweet. 

It was so awkward to be at the school though, everyone was glaring at me like why is she here? Did she not graduate? WTF? It was just weird being there. 

But anyways Britany and I went shopping I got almost like a mini wardrobe and all under 100 dollars, which I thought was pretty decent, and not only did I buy some shirts but I actually bought some skirts. They are the body con skirts, but since I am way short they look about knee length for me when on normal people it would be a mini skirt. 

Afterwards, Britany came over to my house and we did some observations on some specified people that shall not be disclosed to the public. It is of utmost importance that it shall be top secret information. Those interested..will never get the info. Haha anyways Britany also interviewed me for her social assignment since I guess I am in the box that is numbered 20-30 just makes me cringe. 

But she did the interview fun, she made it seem like we were on a gameshow or on Oprah and answered my questions. Haha she is just awesome that way, even at the end of the interview when she said cut she was like "get off my stage." You know typical talk show host ha ha. 

Anyways, more blog posts to come like always...when do I ever not blog anyways? 

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