Thursday, September 20, 2012

Working 9 to 5...well 10 to 6 haha but still.

Now that I am back to working, I have that good old Dolly Parton song stuck in my mind..
Working 9 to 5
What a way to make a livin
Barely gettin by
It's all takin'
and no givin'
They just use your mind
and they never give you credit
It's enough to drive you 
crazy if you let it! (which I would) 

Back to my blog post...ha ha 
Today I pretty much ran to poor muscles..ahh..but I got there just in the knick of time. I went on to do CBL's right away, which in Wally's World language means computer based learning. I did fine on most of the modules minus the sexual harassment one. I failed that darn module 2 times, I thought I would never pass it. 
Ha ha I was so worried that if they found out that I was struggling with passing just that module that I was some kind of creeper/pedophile that will sexually harass people. 

But after the Computer based learning I went and job shadowed a lady. Her name was Joyce and I have to say that she really is pushy for the Walmart Rewards mastercard. She was tired as heck and still kept on pushing the darn credit card. I guess I should take some tips and pointers from her about it. But she was a good lady, she was really nice and she thought I was smart (which is always a good thing) 

Anyways to get to the most exciting part of the day. I saw one of the coworkers silly string another co worker. Since it was her last day of work, I guess it did not matter whether or not she did that. I guess I would do the same thin if it were my last day of work, but it sure was entertaining to watch. It was very humorous. 

But that was my work day pretty much. I hope work can be exciting always as it was today. 

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