Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to school (not me)..and pots

Yesterday was one of the weirdest days I have ever experienced. To get one thing straight it was the first day of school for everyone in high school and younger. We walked Britney to school since she slept over at my house and we wanted to hang out with her up until the point of school. After that Bennett and I just relaxed for awhile, I called her work and tried to schedule an appointment for an interview since they have called me back. 

Anyways so we went to the mall and it was just weird from there. I saw literally everyone I know at the mall or were in the downtown area. Kayla Morin was there, a few others that I didn't say hi to and Ethan was at King of Trade. 

It was really awkward talking to a few of my friends especially since some of them would complain about my other friends. You know in situations like those...I never know what to say or what to do. Sometimes I wish the world would just get over their s*** and grow up. But oh well. 

After that I went to meet up with Ethan at King of Trade and we went to go pick up the pots at the Bowman since they were fired in the Kiln and one of the pots turned out the way I had hoped but the other not so much. Anyways its fun having two new pots that I have decorated, and since its glaze I can put water in it so I could use them for a punch bowl. I dunno.
The pot that I liked

The pot that I wished had turned out differently 

Anyways..stay tuned for more adventures to come. 

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