Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Forever Ronery : Episode one: Adventure!

Today was just all sorts of cray cray-z-ness. This morning when I was walking Britany to school, this stupid mother would not stop. We were in the friggin middle of the road! Dumb butt b**** should have stopped right! and it was at a cross walk! Oh the outrage! oh the terror!...enough enough...I need to calm down..I really do..but it happened again downtown! now drivers if you are reading this...slow the f f f down! I still have a life to live thank you very much! I would not like to die before my age ripens and its too late!
Anyways...now I am chill...I swear I am...I went downtown after dropping Britany off halfway to school. Now way in heck was I going to drop her off all the way to school. Today I was thinking I kind of missed high school then I saw the traffic and I was thinking..nevermind. I am glad its over.

But anyways...downtown..I went to the Galt Mueseum because I was bored, and man did I ever not realize that I am terrified of taxidermified animals! I was scared that the buffalo was going to turn real, and kill me! I know I got some crazy irrational fears...but it could happen. Example 1...Night at the mueseum. It could legit happen..it could.

Afterwards I just took some random pictures. I brought out my inner photographer and tried to take some "professional/cool" photographs. I don't know you be the judge on whether they do or not.
Afterwards, I went over to Ethan's house and we had a movie night. We watched this movie called Limitless

Quick movie review:
I give it a rotten tomatoes score of 5 stars
I loved the movie it had funny parts and intense parts. Best way to describe it in my opinion.

Anyways until tomorrow!

P.s. I got a chi tea from edible elegance..seriously people need to go get those they are amaza!

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