Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Funday: mom edition

Today was my mom and my day. I really really really missed hanging out with my mom. Since my life has been kind of hectic in my life lately, I have not really been home. So I missed just talking and chilling just with my mom. She was always like a best friend to me so it aches me to not hang out with her at least sometimes. 

She also was not feeling well also, I feel so bad when she doesn't feel well. So we made some cards, she enjoys doing this a lot. She watches tutorials on youtube for card ideas, which I think is cute because my mom just discovered the "youtube" and all its glory ha ha. I made some cards along with her since I had gotten some craft stuff from this big bag of stuff from Michaels that was only 2 dollars. 

We then decided to go onto Photobooth of my computer and we had some fun. I was happy that taking the pictures made her laugh at least. There is no greater sound in life than my mother's laugh it just brings such joy to my heart, because not only does she laugh but she laughs like she will never laugh again. Through her doing that it just makes me laugh even more with her ha ha. 

That pretty much summed up my Sunday funday with my momma bear. I love her so much! Shes the best! Love you mama! 

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