Sunday, July 29, 2012

Crafting and groceries

Again I went over to Ethan's house today. I finally was not sick-to-my-stomach-in-hate over my Wall-e game anymore. So I knew it was time to conquer the beast..well not is a kids game after all ha ha. But I only have 4 more levels left until I am finished the whole game! Woot woot! 

Later on, of course I got tired of my game and Ethan had some work to do for his IB class, as well as some projects that he wanted to finish. So we just went into his garage. I was pretty bored just watching him work on his projects, then I started to play with some of the Arizona Green Tea shavings that were left around from his project of making a lamp with them (it is pretty impressive if I may say myself). 

I call this the real "Steel Magnolia" 

I made a bow ring from the shavings, and a hair bow. I have to say that out of the two hair accessories the ring wins my heart overall. 

After we went for some groceries and then played Wall-e some more and chilled out like a G. 

Friday, July 27, 2012

For the love of Art, drama and video games!

Today I finally decided to get back into my Wall-e game after what seemed like the longest level in the history of nerdy mankind! Anyways I did not get too far in my game today, I finally got onto the level that had taken me 5 months to get onto when I previously played the game. This time around it only took me about 3 days...pretty impressive i know..

When I got fed up with the game I decided to go with Ethan downtown because we had plans to go to this Art Market and Shakespeare in the park, which was downtown. He needed ideas for an RWB (Art thing) and I needed good things to write about for my blog. Wouldn't want it to be boring would I?

So we dropped off some resumes at the same time. I applied at Canadian tire and Taco time. I know I hate the smell of Canadian tire but I like the smell of having money in the bank more! So I will have to adjust. As well as, on the way I tried my first asian candy. It was kind of like a starburst but the texture was more spongey. All in all..I can not say I did not like it, and it was japanese.

We continued to walk more dowtown and we went to the Art Market. For some reason it seemed a lot smaller than I would have thought it is..but I was thinking of the Art Market that was at the Stampede which was HUGE beyond all recognition. But it had some interesting stuff there, like different kinds of artist's from the Lethbridge area. There was also some dancers, some scottish ones and some belly dancers. I really liked the scottish ones, their dancing was epic and intense.

And even after that we went to Shakespeare in the par and the play was A midsummer's night dream and I loved that they made it somewhat modern so that it had some humour in it. But the actors were so good! It was just very enjoyable they did a very great job. Very Very entertaining. After was BOston Pizza..need I say more? YUM YUM
"The wall"

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Time with Miss. Bennett

Today I hung out with another one of my good friends today. Miss Christina Bennett. I really missed her when I was away and I was so glad that we got to hang out today. We went to the mall where I finally got a good curling iron (hopefully the curls will stay in!). Then we went to Ice age 4.

Quick movie review: Ice age 4: continental drift
Great little movie. It was really cute and there were references that children would not understand but for those older, I completely understood them. I really thought that it was better than the third movie, and it had pirates..movies with pirates are never bad.

Like look at how good the Pirates of the Caribbean got. Everyone LOVES pirates. But I would buy that movie because it was so good. I am glad that it was a good movie. Money well paid for..for once instead of the last movies I have been to which have been crappy.

P.S. Sid was awesome as always!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Job hunting, mocha cabanas and bad deals

Today it was time for Celina to find a job....and man I suck at this whole job hunting thing. I really need to get more motivation to do this crap! I only applied at 2 places..sad? I think so! Anyways better luck next time! I just am losing steam lately. I have been feeling like crap and everything is just not cool with my body! I just wish I could get all the crapola out of my system already!

Anyways....(sigh) afterwards I just meandered around with Ethan. First we went to The Bay and we looked around and saw some interesting pieces of furniture that we liked. There was this cool table that had a gorgeous bottom to it.
Afterwards we went to this cute little cafe that had the best chi tea ever (literally the best) it is the best stuff I have ever tasted! It tastes like heaven and all the sweetness in the world in one cup!

Finally we met up with my friend Allysia (ginger) at this cafe called Mocha Cabanas. We ordered appetizers. Some nachos since it was half off for the day and we got some sweet potato fries as well, because they are to die for there! When we were waiting for our food we got bored so there was this clay lizard that was behind us that we named Gary. We believed Gary lived a trivial life and stayed frozen for all time and eternity. 
We spied on the waiter for awhile too. Later on I found out his name which was Jeremy, and he had the cutest little lisp with his braces on. I remember when I had my lisp with my braces, I kind of miss my grill. I felt so much more cooler and more dope yo! 

Afterwards I went to Old navy and bought some clothing..bad clothing deals..not very happy but oh well. What can you do right? 

Hope to have greater days and to you too! Ciao!

Monday, July 23, 2012

"The graduate" officially

Today I was just having a chill day, trying to get better from belly aches and such, when my friend texted me and asked me if I got my diploma marks back. I had totally forgotten about diploma marks so I checked my mail and there it was. The holy grail Alberta Education envelope.

Opening the envelope was kind of hard to do because I really had no expectations for this exam. I did not think I did good but I did not think I did bad either. So I opened it slowly...and I passed! 

So looks like the hell of high school is over, and I will receive my diploma in the mail! I am so relieved and happy! I did it! I graduated! woot woot! (not to mention I am really happy with my mark as well)

Later I made some yummy Shepherd's pie to celebrate! it was made full of deliciousness! What better to celebrate the occasion with right? 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Playground hopping..better than bar hopping

So today I just chilled. I went over to my friend's house to play my Wall-e game that I did so good on today. What took me 4 months 4 years ago only took me 2 days...pretty impressive I know.

But anyways after that we playground hopped around the area.
a. going to an assortment of playgrounds around the area and seeing which one is the best

We went to 3 different playgrounds. One that was right by the Boys and Girls Club, one by Ethan's house and one by my house.

My house won for the tallest swings and for the best (and scariest) teeter totters.

But being back onto a teeter totter is scary..I have no idea how I didn't think it was scary as a child, you go up so high on them and you could fall off of them but oh well haha

Safe teeter tottering to you all!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ardene's, storms and forks oh my!

So today I hung out with my friend Ethan today. We went to Walmart because I needed to get some groceries, and man some Walmart people are cray cray (crazy)! There were these people complaining about their jobs and how terrible it was..and I was thinking at least you have a job instead of no job at all like me!

After that we went into Ardene's and I bought these surprise bags. One bag was a dupe but the other bag was full of treasures. The bag had some earrings that looked like they were from mexico and a headband but all in all good stuff! After that Ethan and I walked back to my house and put the groceries away.

Later on, we went back to his house so I could play my Wall-e game. I wanted to buy a PS2 so that I could play the wall-e game but Ethan said that I could just play it at his house instead so that I could save money. On the way back to his house though I was just looking at the gutter and I found a 20 dollar bill. I was thinking was great because I was running low on cash anyways.

But at his house we played the wall-e game and then a cars game. Then we tried to play a shooter game but I was confused at what shooter I was so while I thought I was killing him the whole time he was really shooting me.

After that he showed me this art project that he was working on. It was turning small forks and spoons into rings. It was the coolest looking thing ever. He gave me this fork ring that he was working on and it is the coolest looking things ever! I really think he should sell them on Etsy or something but still awesome!

After that there was a freak storm, and the clouds were rolling so fast it was crazy!

Braiding Ethan's hair 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Afternoon craft: Moustache Mug

So since I did not feel well today, and bailed out on friends (again and again). I decided today I am going to do something. So I decided to do a small little craft. It was the simplest thing to make but still fun.

I saw this project on a youtube video once before and I told myself for like 6 months that I was going to get around to doing it once I had a plain white cup but I didn't have one. But luckily I found one in my cupboards.

So the craft that I did was a moustache mug! When you hold it up to your face to take a drink it looks like you have a moustache ha ha!


1 white mug
1 permanent marker

Draw a moustache onto the mug with a permanent marker and then bake it in the oven for 30 minutes and it will never come off again!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Girl time!

So this week I must be miss popular or something! Yesterday I hung out with Ethan and then my friend Allysia messaged me and asked if I would like to hang out at the mall at 2 today, with our other friends Keely and Rikki!

I arrived at the mall first, but luckily I did because I got some food before...I was pretty hungry. I got a booster juice in a snack combo. I got a citrus usual favourite! It had some pineapple, some orange and banana. I like it a lot because it is really sour and I prefer the sour over the sweet!

First my Allysia and Rikki arrived. Allysia had forgotten to take out money so she quickly went to the bank to take out some. While we were waiting on her, Rikki and I just went to go look around. When we came out of Winners we saw Braeden, and Tyler, our fellow ginger brethren. I also got to meet Braeden's brother, which was not ginger.. Then Allysia came back with us and she got a booster juice.

Keely came shortly after and she had the cutest dress on! It had two different patterns to it but it looked awesome. We then went to stores, we first went into Bench and Allysia bought a jacket that looked like it would be a jean jacket but it wasn't. It looked really nice on her.

We then went to Bluenotes where we tried on some dresses, then after we went to Claire's and I bought  a hat that was only $ was a great deal and a little wristlet for when I go out and do not want to carry around a huge purse (which is always nice).

We then realized that we were going to be late for our movie which started at 4. We went to go see Magic Mike..and I have to say. Two things...
1. That movie should not have been rated 14A
2. That movie just SUCKED! It was depressing...who wants to go to a depressing movie??!!?

But oh well...I just will not go to a movie for a long time, save my money..or lack there of now.. ha ha

Anyways, ta ta for now!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Recuperation and back to old ways in Lethbridge

The last few days I have just been taking it easy and doing some good old R&R (rest and relaxation) after my holiday.

The first official event after coming home was hanging out with Ethan, I had a dentist appointment before. My first teeth cleaning in a was so refreshing. It took awhile for the cleaning to happen, and after I got fluoride. Fluoride had changed over the years, they used to have the icky kinds like bubble gum and grape, but now its all fancy. The kind that I asked for was Banana split, and it really tasted like one, not some artificial crap that you would always taste with fluoride.

Its weird because, whenever I went to the dentist with my braces I got really used to it. So going to the dentist is almost therapeutic for me. I find it really relaxing to sit in the chair and kind of doze off while they are doing things to your teeth. Although some of my teeth were very sensitive, especially the top teeth! Holy Hannah! did it hurt, the dental hygienist tried to floss my upper teeth and since it had this retainer thing at the back it hurt so bad!

After, I met up with my friend Ethan even though I was half an hour late..I felt so bad. The great thing about him is that if I ask him to hang out he's always down. Maybe because he is a hermit and craves human interaction, or that he's just bored. But its always great to hang out with him, especially because he doesn't complain about anything I want to do.

We initially had plans to go to the Galt, since he needed an idea for an RWB (research workbook assignment for art..its just an art thing) and I had a pass to go so we could get in for free. I just basically showed him around the museum, we really did not stay for long but that was ok. We walked down the coulees, and across the west side bridge which was fun.

After we decided to go to the mall since it was still open. We went into Toys R us because I had not been in there since I was younger and I thought why not. It was so much fun! We saw all these cool things in there, they had a helmet with bunny ears on it that I wish was in my size! Also we walked around and we saw hello kitty things that I wanted this rolling case that was only $25, which was not bad. Also we saw Operation..but Star wars Edition...which makes it so much cooler right? We went into the bargain section of the store as well and there was this baby alive doll and it was so funny when it would bounce up and down it sounded just like a jackhammer..ha ha we called it jack hammer baby. But man those dolls are creepy as anything! I don't think I will let my children get one!

Then after that, we went to stitches and I bought this Leopard print jacket that looked really nice, and then I went to Jysk and I bought a duvet cover set for only $ that a deal or what? After that we went to Davids Tea and tried out some tea. The people that worked there was AWESOME! They definitely answered all of my questions that I had about the tea..but unfortunately, I will not spend $13 dollars on tea..its got to be some pretty good darn tea!. Later on we went to Old Navy while having the goal of finding a skirt or dress but sadly failed. We then went to Michael's because Ethan had to find this ring thingy to make rings on for every size, and it was pretty cool.

Lastly, we went to Chapter and I tried this refresher thing. It was really good, it tasted like this mojito tea that I and lime mmm.

Later on, I bought more EOS because mine was running out. I bought honeydew and Sweet mint. Both were really good and we went to the Petstore, there were birds with the most terrifying shrieking squeak I have ever heard. It was terrible on my ears! Then Ethan just walked me home.

All in is really good to be home and to enjoy the slower pace of Lethbridge compared to Calgary! It was great just having a chill day with my friend!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Back home: things to do in Lethbridge

So pretty much since I came home, I just tried to clean up my room and sleep lots. Going away for 2 weeks can be quite strenuous on the body! Then after that I only got some groceries and watched some seagulls for awhile (I know things to do in Lethbridge haha)

While today, there was this lady that my mom was helping to move and she gave us food, dishes and some other stuff that she could not take along with her. It was great! I love getting free stuff! It just makes me so happy! But that was pretty much the only exciting thing that has happened from coming home. I tried to make plans with friends but failed to commit because I wouldn't sleep good at night but I am almost all rested up!

Hopefully my week next week will be more exciting especially since I have a dentist appointment!

Back at Calgary: Beach fun day

My Aunt Linda and I had packed a lunch for the day. Cheese bun sandwiches, little green frogs and popcorn twists please! Yumm everything we packed was very good, light and refreshing. We took a smaller cooler since it was just us going.
Our picnic for the day
We met up with Janae when we got the the Lake, which is like a residential lake. It was a nice lake that had sandy beaches, you could rent out boats or go fishing there, all in all it was really cool and we had nothing like that in Lethbridge. The lake was refreshing to go into, although the bottom of the lake was not that nice since some teenage boys were running and chasing each other through there. 

Later I offered to help Janae's kids to build a sandcastle, it was fun to do. Some of the boys that were running by the lake shore came by it and Elizabeth yelled at them that it was ours. It was funny to watch, after we ran through the castle and knocked it over. It was fun making a sand castle again and having a small moat that went to the lake. We got so dirty making the sand castle but still so much fun!

We continued to make sand castles, and Elizabeth ate lots of Blueberries. Its funny how she can gulp them down, she must have eaten the whole bowl of them, she really loves them a lot. She would take a whole handful and just stuff them in her mouth, we had to tell her to take them one by one just so that she wouldn't choke ha ha.

After playing in the sun all day, we went back to my Aunt's house for pancakes with strawberries and whip cream. And let me tell about those pancakes, they are the best darn things ever. They have just the right amount of sweetness in them, and are not starchy either.

Later when Janae left with her brood, we tried to catch the fireworks that were on every night for the stampede. We really sped to try and see them but they only lasted for 10 minutes. But from what I saw they were very gorgeous, we waited at a Casino for awhile to see if there were more but there wasn't.

Then the most hilarious thing happened, as we pulled into the parking lot I saw this guy sitting on a car and I looked and thought it was my sister's old friend Neil. It wasn't until he asked us if he could borrow a phone that I knew it was Neil. He had lost his iPhone and needed specifically a smartphone so that he could locate his phone. He eventually called his step-dad then his brother to send him a map to my Aunt Linda's phone to locate his phone. He was so lucky to find his phone, and lucky that I knew him as well, otherwise my Aunt and Uncle wouldn't have been so nice. Then my Aunt and Uncle named off who they could set him up with which I thought was funny.

Later we tried pick up Justine from the her work at the stampede, and I almost witnessed my first fist fight in Calary, people were fighting over a cab and eventually the man that started it was told to back away. It got me really nervous, especially since there was just a surge of people coming from out of the Stampede. Justine had forgotten that she had to meet my Aunt and Uncle in a different spot so we hunted her down and eventually met up with her at a humpty's downtown. The traffic after the stampede was not as bad as I thought it would be, which is always good and we drove back.

When we got back I just started to pack for home because I was going home on the Thursday. I should have been given a metal for how I packed my suitcase and made everything fit, especially since I came  back with twice as much as I had brought. It was relaxing on the way back especially since the shuttle was not busy, other than me there was just one other person and when I came home I just fell asleep. But man it was good to be home again! 

Back at Calgary: a gift from heaven....IKEA

So I have never been to Ikea before, so with the opportunity to go to Calgary I thought, why not go to Ikea? Everyone else has been to Ikea before but me, I always managed to skip going to that store whenever everyone went. So since I knew I was going to Calgary, going to Ikea was a must...

Everyone thought that it was silly that I was so excited to go to Ikea but that really was the only thing I wanted to do when I went to Calgary (small-unimportant things excite me).

Walking through those automatic doors...was like the hallelujah music started..I really could see the light... and then I saw a staircase and the music stopped, after I walked up those stairs and saw the showroom then the hallelujah music cued in (this time for real).

I called it the "Tulip" house 
The showroom was HUGE! First when we walked in they had the living area, like couches and such. All the couches were really nice and comfortable (even more comfortable with the affordable prices). Then the store sectioned off into the students area. It showed little living spaces, that showed a student that even a small place can look really nice and be affordable.

Further on, they had these small little apartment house things. They had a kitchen, a bedroom, living room and a bathroom and they showed the square footage of the living area to show how nice your place could look, although still in a tiny space, which I think really helps the marketing of the store.

A little side note: I learned how Ikea works as well, you write down the Isle and the number and the item and them you go down to the "Warehouse" part and you pick out the items that you saw in the show room. I think that is the most efficient and best way I think I have seen a furniture store do this, instead of trying to get what you want from underneath the display, you can just truly enjoy the display. Then when we got to the end of the display, we went back downstairs and to the small shopping area.
Don't you just want to go and buy a ton and hang them?
They had the most glasses I think I have ever seen, but for good reason. The glasses were only 75 cents for one. If that isn't a deal then I do not know what is! Then they went to bed linens, and to miscellaneous items. Then right at the end there was Ikea food. We bought a hot dog, a drink and some frozen yogurt (it really just tasted like ice cream.)

later on in the day, my Aunt, cousin and I went to Shoe Warehouse. I got a pair of heels that were nude and kind of felt like nylons, my cousin got 2 pairs of shoes. One pair was purple with a black tip that reminded me of Chanel shoes and the other were sky high wedges that I have no idea how she walks in. After that I went to Winners and bought some hairspray, since mine ran out and I bought 2 shirts.

My Aunt and I then went to the store later that night because we previously decided that we would go to the lake the next day and have a small picnic. After we picked up some goodies, Aunt Linda drove to pick up Justine from the Stampede because she was working there. Justine had some pretty funny stories about the stampede. Especially since it was seniors day, I guess that there was this little old irish pastor but when she said he was a cute man we thought it was a regular aged guy, when really he was this old man. I guess he was older and even had a tooth missing, anyways, he asked Justine where this church was and she did not know where it is so he continued to look for it. After that we just chatted for awhile and then slept! It was a great Ikea filled day!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Back at Calgary: Sunday Monday Chill day

I just slept the whole night well into the afternoon of Sunday. I tried to get up but my body fought to sleep more. It was screaming at me to sleep, slowly by the end of Sunday I somewhat began to feel normal.

Sleeping all Monday helped me feel completely normal, and good reason too. Later that night on the Monday Uncle Chris took me to go see the Calgary temple that they are building. It is a gorgeous building, the stain glass that is on the building had wheat and maybe a mountain and then the sky. The transition from the wheat to the sky is gorgeous!

Uncle Chris and Aunt Linda took photos there for awhile, and then after we went to Walmart and got some groceries and then went back to the house. It was nice to look at the temple, especially since soon my cousin Tracey and her husband Jeff are going to be sealed there.

Back to Calgary: Pancake Breakfast and Stampede

Aunt Val got me up at 7 am..which was brutal especially since I had not got a good nights sleep because my body hated me. We drove down to Fluor (My Aunt's work) and we were going to go downtown old school...thats right..on a yellow school bus.

The bus driver dropped us off at Rope Square, where we were going to flip pancakes that had the syrup "in the batter", as well as the bacon too. It was like a breakfast all in one, you had your pancake and bacon (inside the pancake). We initially started to make the bacon, and thank goodness I wore a sweater! Bacon is the devil to make! I hate how it splatters back at you, vicious dead pigs they were! Eventually, Jeff traded stations with me and I flipped the pancakes for awhile so that he can handle the meat. I got really good at flipping those pancakes though! I could be a pro-olympic-pancake flipper, I think that they should come up with a competition in Calgary around Stampede time for that..maybe they do..I don't know. It still would be really cool if they did that! A few German magazines had stopped to interview us and a radio station about why we were flipping pancakes. Tracey said that I was deceiving them in Germany since I was wearing my sweater, and that they might think that it is colder in Canada than it really was...I thought that was really funny ha ha.

We must have flipped hundreds of pancakes and gave out much more than that. We had started at 8 am and ended around 10 30 am, it lasted quite awhile but went faster than I thought it would. Then after we could do whatever we wanted until the bus came to pick us up at 12 30 (but it was really 1pm when the bus driver came). Aunt Val, Tracey, Jeff and I walked down to check out what was going on downtown. We stopped at this radio station place where we could win chuck wagon tickets. Aunt Val and I had to crab skip over to a planter and than we dosado'd and than raced back. We also won free little UPS trucks which rocked my world.

We continued to go up the street to see what was going on. We stopped at Java Juice, and I had a Copa Banana and a snack size chicken ceasar wrap. It was all very yummy, but the man confused my order with Tracey's so I had half of my chicken caesar wrap and half of her smoked turkey wrap. They both were very good. We watched the Square dancing that was going on and chilled for awhile. While heading towards the Bus we stopped and watch some of the First Nations dances. I love the costume that they vibrant and so much work put into their costumes. It was fun to watch.
Haul from the Stampede

When we got back on the bus, it took forever and a half to get back to the fluor building. We went back to my Aunt's house and we took a small nap before going to the Stampede.

My first artwork that I bought
supposed to be an interpretation of the Vatican staircase 
At the Stampede, we went on the sky ride and we got food. We first went to this bakery that sold everything for $2 which is really nice. I had this apple chicken sausage thingy, it was really good. Then we went to the Agriculture building for kids. We got lots of free stuff from there, which is always awesome! I love free stuff! Then we headed over to the market place thingy..which I of course forgot the name of and I bought my first official piece of artwork. It was only $35 which is not bad for artwork..I was quite excited for that. I also went in a massage chair that was used as a demo for people to see how good the chairs were. For me, it was not the best, I prefer real massages better but also the chair was too big for me I think. My feet could not real the bottom of the chair which gave a small massage but that was ok. After, I just went to Uncle Chris's house and took a major nap. I was so tired but hanging out with Aunt Val and Tracey and Jeff was fun. As well as being with Porter, Grady and Stacey.

After the nap, Aunt Linda had her family over and we played Dutch Blitz. I enjoyed talking with her family they are very relaxed and fun to be around. We played well into the night and then we just all went to bed.

Edmonton day 4: Going back to Calgary

Sarah had to work the next day so Hannah took Mom, Tristian and I to Sherwood Park. She had some errands that she had to help Grandma K with. Hannah dropped all of us off at the mall in Sherwood Park. She said that they had nothing there, but in my mind it didn't hurt to have a look. I did not get all the shopping that I would have liked to in Edmonton done, so I still was in the spending mood. Well Hannah was right, there really wasn't anything.

We went to the Safeways to buy some snackies for the bus that we were taking back down to Calgary (i objected though, I didn't want my head to be decapitated). Then we went to go look around the mall. All over the mall I think there were more sports type stores than I have ever seen in my life. They had a Claire's though so I went in there because of their 10 for $10, which is a wicked deal as opposed to their usual one item for the same price. The best deal I think that I got in there...was this cute little robot necklace and their cute little furby like cupcake thing. The necklace was this little girl robot, it was just so dainty to not have. As for the cute little fuzz ball thing, its name was muffin. I got a few other things as well such as other necklaces and earrings. All in all they were really good deals! 
Trying to go incognito with Tristian on Man-with-pipe 
After shopping for awhile, we got really bored since we had to wait for Hannah to come and pick us up. Tristian and I went to the vending machine things, and got a few $1 or $2 toy things. I haven't done these as a kid, and it still is as exciting seeing what you get as it was when you are younger! Then after we died down on the change we decided to spy on this old man. He had an old fashioned pipe that you would smoke out of from the 1900's.  

Finally, Hannah came and drove mom and I to the bus ride. The ride was nothing special other than it feeling like wrinkles were growing on my face since it lasted so long! I could feel the gravity working on the elasticity of my skin it took so long! I wish we could have gone on an express bus like how we went to Edmonton, it lasted about 3 hours, while ours lasted 17 years..just kidding it was only 5 hours but still thats a long time to be sitting down. 

When we got to Calgary Auntie Val was there waiting for us, she had the cutest little hat on, it was a small cowboy hat as a kind of pin that was all decked out. It twas awesome! But while Mom was waiting on her bus to go home, Tracey, Jeff and Auntie Val took us out for lunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory (which I guess is Aunt Val's favourite). The foot there was really good, and the best spaghetti ever. The prices are not bad either, you get your entrees and then dessert comes with the meal. The dessert was this pistachio ice cream...oh my lordie! It was sooo good! I would love to swim and live in that ice cream it was so yummy! After we drove mom back to the bus station and I hugged her goodbye and went to go sleep at Aunt Val's since the next day I had volunteered to flip pancakes with them. It was a nice relaxing evening and a long bus ride to Calgary. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Edmonton day 3: Waterpark

We woke up semi-early to get down to the water park. Hannah drove out to Tim Hortons first where we got some frozen lemonades. They were very yummy and the sizes are different than lethbridge. Their small was our medium. I thought what a rip off in lethbridge...why is lethbridge always so cheap? Anyways, going to Edmonton I got semi-car sick since I was still feeling the rides from the day before.

We bought day passes for the water park, and the park is huuuge! They have a wave pool, with massive waves, not like the Ramada. They get so high its crazy, we went into the wave pool for awhile, then we went on some slides. The slides at the water park had different levels of difficulties. There was Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Extreme. The first slide that Hannah and I went on was Nessie's revenge which was an Extreme slide. It was a purple slide that went down and had a few drops. We decided to go on this slide because Tristian had wanted to go onto the Sky screamer extreme, which just shot straight down and had a launch pad and everything (scary right?) And after the day I had before, I did not want to go on slides that were too crazy because of all the amusement park rides I had gone on. The slide went really fast and the first time I went on it I forgot to close my mouth and hold my nose so water went EVERYWHERE! It was a bad mistake to do but oh well ha ha.
After that, we went on the Blue Bullet which is like a giant toilet. This one was not as much fun as Nessie's Revenge but it still was fun. Then we went on this white slide that is called the Howler, it was a lot of fun but at the bottom my glasses slid off my face. I quickly rushed to tell the lifeguard and he gave me goggles to try and find them...but I was blind already so how could I find them? I just threw the goggles at Tristian and asked him to get them, and he found them pretty quickly. I guess that there is this metal plate at the bottom to catch things that people drop in the slide area, which is quite smart to have. 

Tristian and I kept on going on slides and we went on the corkscrew. This slide was not as much fun since it just turned. It kind of got me nauseous so we went for some food to deter puking from occurring. We bought some corn dogs, some popcorn and some shaved ice. This shaved ice was huge. We only got Medium's but it was huge. I couldn't finish mine because it was so huge. 

After all the slides, FINALLY Tristian got tired out and we went back to the house and chilled out for awhile. I watched Tristian play his new Lego Batman game, and then watched some TV. Hannah made some chicken pot pie which was very yummy and we talked for awhile. It was nice to just chill for the rest of the day since all week we have been doing so much! But it was fun! 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Edmonton day 2: family time :D

After all of the shopping that I did, we went to go meet up with my cousins: Sarah, Hannah, and Tristian since my cousin Sarah had the day off, and it was great that we could all see them all at once.

Once we had all met up, my mom decided to take them out for lunch, which was at Tony Romas. This restaurant is one of my mom's favourite places to have lunch or supper, they have the best ribs that just peel right off the bone..!
,Right after that, we really had no idea what we wanted to do. So we all went to Galaxyland again. This time Galaxyland was better because I had cousins that wanted to do more rides than mom had wanted to do (especially Tristian)

Since before going to Edmonton, I had made a bet with a friend to go on the mind bender (which someone had died on before) to go on it. I was really freaked out the previous day about going on the roller coaster, especially, since when you look at the roller coaster you see how high it goes.

My little cousin Tristian and I went on the baby roller coaster or the auto sled a few times to try to pump me up for the big scary roller coaster. Then we went on the space orbiter with my other cousin Sarah as well. I did not like going on the space orbiter this time, especially since my little cousin Tristian was taunting us by saying that we were tipping or that it would fling off the track etc. We were yelling at him the whole time just to shut up, because it got us more nervous to go on it. As well as, this time when I went on it, it seemed to go spinnier and faster than before. We went on it again, but this time going with Sarah, Hannah and Tristian. It was the spiniest out of all the times that I went on it. It really felt like the roller coaster car was going to fling off the track, and we would plummet to our deaths.

After going on the Space orbiter a few times, I thought I had enough courage to go onto the Mind Bender (death roller coaster). But after awhile, I began to lose momentum. We continued to walk around the amusement arena. We continued to do more rides such as the Space Shot (helluva scary), and the bumper cars. It wasn't until my cousin Sarah had gone on the Space shot that I decided I really should do it. She had never gone on the Space Shot before, and we really wanted her to go on it. Luckily I got a video of her going on the Space Shot, but since she had gone on it I thought I had better go on the Mind Bender since she had tried something new.
Eventually, I came to my senses and decided to go on the Mind Bender, Sarah and I handed off our glasses over to my mom since we knew they would go flying off our faces on the roller coaster. Hannah my cousin had told me that the hardest part of going on the roller coaster was going up, since it was 14 stories high..eek. But going up wasn't that bad at all. The whole roller coaster was not bad, I still thought that going on the Space Shot was worse, since it not only shot down but up as well. It gave me such a bad migraine going on that ride!

Later, after we were finished at the amusement arena we went to go see the sea lion show. It was a lot of fun to watch, and strangely the sea lions remind me very much of dogs. They do the same tricks as dogs, and behave the same way just to get a treat. I thought it was very interesting.

A while later, we went back to their house where we met their two dogs. One dog was named Booger and she was a bassad hound. She was the laziest dog ever, but she had the cutest sad eyes. The other dog's name was Brandy and was a cross between a Corky and a wiener dog. Brandy just wanted to be loved all the time, she would jump on you and be like love me love me love me. She loved to be petted, kind of like how Minnie does. Anyways, they were just both adorable dogs. Hannah and mom talked about pets for quite awhile, before we met up with Brock. 

When we met up with Brock, we went to the Keg for supper that night. Mom and I have never been to the Keg before since in Lethbridge it is the "fancy" place to go for dinner. You had to look all nice to go there and it was super expensive. Sarah, Mom and I had gotten there before Brock, Hannah and Tristian, so we just waited for them and got some water. Sarah and I had a hard time trying to figure out our waiter's name, it was something like Fabrito or something, we couldn't determine his name until Brock, Hannah and Tristian came later. The waiter's name was really Bernito, and not some weird name that we had tried to think of. 

Brock first ordered for there to be some escargot and some lobster thingy's to start with. I did not really like the Lobster thing, but man the escargot was really good! It had this kind of dijon mustard sauce on it that tasted soooo good! It did not taste like rubber like how people would normally describe it so it was a pleasant surprise for how good it was. After the appetizers, I ordered a Pecan sirloin steak, that was medium rare. It came with the pecans and some goat cheese on top, as well as a twice baked potato, and some asparagus. This was it good! It was the best thing ever, they did not give you much but it was just enough and well worth the price. 

It was good to sit down for dinner with the family that was more up north. It was good to catch up with them and to laugh. Sarah and I being together was just like old times, where we would just start to giggle about everything. Tristian though, whenever we said something funny he would normally add to it, and then it wouldn't be too funny anymore, which I found to be funny. Sarah and I thought that the guys across from us were gay because they looked too well kept. but later it got creepy when they wanted to do a toast with us, when they thought that we had wine in our glasses when we just had water. But that was fine. 

After dining at the Keg, we went to go see a movie. The movie that we saw was Ted. I was worried that mom would think that it would be a bit too racey, but apparently she loved it so it was good. After, Sarah and I said that Tristian probably shouldn't have seen that movie since it was pretty racey. But the movie was funny at times. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Edmonton day 2: shopping

So once mom and I had a blast in our Arabian room we went to go check out and got breakfast at Starbucks and at Cinnzeo. It was really exciting to have a cinnamon bun from Cinnzeo especially because in Lethbridge ours had closed (which was supper lame).

After our breakfast, the shopping began...
I really had no clue where to start with the shopping since there are SOOOO many stores in West Edmonton Mall. After, seeing all the stores overwhelmed me, I decided...well lets go to the stores that FOR SURE they do not have in lethbridge. In lethbridge they do not have forever 21 or H&M or a disney store so I started there.

I went into the disney store and went in because the day before I had seen some cups that I had wanted to add to my teacup collection. The cup that I had wanted was this cute pink-and-white-polka dot minnie mouse cup. As well, I had seen a cup that was Maynard from Cars that was uber cute!

After the disney store, I had to find the next store that Lethbridge absolutely would not have..which was forever 21. The day before I had gone into the forever 21, but just had a glance since there was so many people there. I really enjoyed all the different things that were in the store. But man did that store have wayy too many crop tops...probably about 76.786% of the clothing that was on sale was crop tops. But luckily I could find a few nice jackets that I could wear over other shirts that were really different and gorgeous! Mom bought a cute little earring and necklace set that she really loved.

Afterwards, I decided that I needed to go to H&M as well. Which was another store which was not in Lethbridge, sadly. It was hard to find clothing there, and the prices were a bit higher than my cheepo self wanted to pay for. But I bought a pure from there at least. My purse that I already had was falling apart so for some reason H&M was the miracle store for purses! It was so hard for me to find a bag that had both handles and a shoulder strap, but for some reason all the purses at H&M had that. It was like a miracle from heavenly father... he must have been sending me a sign to buy a bag from there. So I bought a nice miracle bag that had good structure for only $15.99 (bonus was that it was water proof!)

And lastly, I just went back to Lethbridge ways and went to Old Navy. I bought a tank top that would go nice with a jacket I bought at Forever 21, and then I bought two other graphic t shirts and hello kitty water bottle...just because its hello kitty. That about concluded my shopping adventure for that day!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Edmonton day 1

We took the Greyhound up to Edmonton and luckily my head stayed on my body..Thank the lord...Once we got to Edmonton my cousin's Brock and Tristan came to pick us up to take us to West Edmonton Mall, since we had a reservation at the fantasy land hotel. The room that we booked was the Arabian room, it was surprisingly larger than I had thought. It is a very beautiful room, and the paintings are gorgeous!      

After we got settled into the hotel we went for some food and then began to look around the mall..the mall is plainly hella big! It is insane how huge it is and how many people there is! I bet that someone could live there for a week and not have to see sunlight.

We walked around the mall and found GalaxyLand. It is just a dope place...there are so many rides and all this fun stuff. We got wristbands which could get us onto any ride we wanted.

The first ride that we went onto was the space shot. I thought it was going to be an easy ride to break into. Oh boy! Man I was wrong. I thought it was legit going to die on this ride! But all in all it was still fun.

We then went onto the swings, We went on a baby roller coaster to help me decide if I wanted to go on the big scary roller coaster (which I did not..I knew I would have passed out), we then went onto the space Orbit which was like a roller coaster..(so I got to go on a roller coaster for the first time like I had wanted) and then lastly onto the bumper cars (which for the first time I was able to sort of control! YESS!)

My and I then got a candy apple (especially since I was not able to have one when I had braces) and she got an ice cream sandwich (her favourite). Thus Galaxy Land was da bomb!

After that we went shopping! It was my first time going into a Mac and Sephora store, it was pretty exciting! I would see all the beauty gurus on youtube going to these stores and I finally got to step into one! It was so exciting!
At mac I had gotten a skin finish since people have been raving about them and then at Sephora I had gotten a little make up kit that was by sephora and some primers by tarte. All of the things I got were really high quality and really nice! Much nicer than the crappy drug store make up that we get back in Lethbridge..oh how I wish we could have a Mac or sephora store in lethbridge..but can't a girl dream?!?

Later, we had walked by this store and this saleswoman had lured my mother into the store..which makes me shake my head.. and the only way I could get rid of her was buying something. So now I guess I am trying out a new skin routine when I get home and the burn on my face goes away that I got yesterday!

After going shopping and realizing that the mall would close soon we went back to the hotel and we jumped into the jacuzzi! It was such a nice Jacuzzi and it was fun to swim around in there (not to mention it was huggge!)